Teen Star JoJo Siwa Comes Out as Lesbian on Social Media

Teen Star JoJo Siwa has come out as proudly gay in a series of viral posts posted to her social media.

The 17-year-old singer, actor, dancer, and YouTube personality is known for her clean and upbeat music, anti-bullying message, and dancing routines that are all popular with tween and young teen audiences.

She’s been alluding to her newfound lesbianism these past few days, dancing in a TikTok video to “Born This Way,” the Lady Gaga LGBTQ anthem that has amassed 4.8 million likes and 27 million views, by far becoming Siwa’s most popular video on TikTok.


♬ Born This Way Lady Gaga – johanna

The particular snipped she sang from contained the lyrics:

Rejoice and love yourself today
‘Cause baby you were born this way
No matter gay, straight, or bi,
Lesbian, transgendered life,
I’m on the right track baby,
I was born to survive.
No matter black, white or beige
Chola or orient made,
I’m on the right track baby,
I was born to be brave.

Then she released picture on Instagram of herself wearing an LGBTQ rainbow-colored tracksuit, and finally for her finale, posted a photo on Twitter, tweeting a picture of herself with the caption “My cousin got me a new shirt.” The shirt in question? A graphic T-shirt emblazoned with large blue letters that say, “Best. Gay. Cousin. Ever.”

Siwa is the most well-known and prominent celebrity teenager to come out.

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6 thoughts on “Teen Star JoJo Siwa Comes Out as Lesbian on Social Media

  1. That harlot “gaga” is definitely no lady and full of devils ! These young “undisciplined” foolish children are being bewitched by her sorcery and witchcraft, which is her music, and leading the youth into wicked sin and captivity. Witchcraft and sorcery abounds in the modern music industry and it is influencing all those young minds that are listening to it. What so called parent would allow their precious children to listen to such demonic dribble ! ?????????????

    1. my guy, before you put other people down, take a look at your self and make a change
      – michael jackson

  2. Wasn’t Lady Gaga at Biden’s inauguration last week? Figures. Like we read in Romans chapter 1, the worst thing that can happen to a person or society is for God to leave them alone, and we can see what happens in that event.

  3. This poor girl, whomever she is, is yet another victim of indoctrination. The gays told us in the 70s and 80s that they were going to do this but we didn’t take it seriously – after all, there was no way that anything as disgusting as sodomy would ever be considered normal.

    Today’s kids are absolutely brainwashed and wholly indoctrinated into accepting anything and everything that the Liberals want them to. It starts as early as pre-k and kindergarten and only ramps up from there. Kids aren’t learning reading, writing, and arithmetic in public schools – they’re learning how great Marxism is and how they do not have to listen to or respect their parents. Communists aren’t the enemies that they learn about in school, Christians are.

    If you have a child you MUST homeschool them. If you cannot afford for your wife to stay home to homeschool then I would strongly encourage you to not have children. That may sound harsh, sure, but it beats letting Nickelodeon, the internet, and the public school system turning them into little butt pirates and bulldykes.

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