Jen Hatmaker’s New Spiritual Director is Michelle Obama’s Pantsuit

Jen Hatmaker, the popular I’m-pretending-to-be-a-Christian-but-I’m-actually-a-pagan mommy-blogger and podcaster made an unintentionally serious statement a few days ago, as she exuberantly celebrated the inauguration of President Biden while drooling over the sight of Michelle Obama’s outfit.

The comments came before her tearful statement regretting a comment she made at an interfaith prayer she participated in, where she suggested that God gave the land to Americans, resulting in her woke-meter spiking and issuing a public apology for Native erasure.

On her Facebook page she reiterated her love of Obama’s outfit and then added at the end:

I took one look at that belt and asked Jesus into my heart. That pantsuit is my new Spiritual Director, Michelle Obama.

While we recognize her comments were in jest, it would also explain a lot. Given the trajectory that she’s been going in for years, being pro-homosexuality, pro-transgender, becoming a woke racial justice warrior, we can certainly believe that she would claim it as her Spiritual Director, having abandoned the old one, Jesus, long ago.

We will operate under the assumption henceforth that the pantsuit is speaking to her directly and guiding her theology. It can’t be any worse than it already is.

Can it? [Editor’s note: Sadly, yes, it can.]

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4 thoughts on “Jen Hatmaker’s New Spiritual Director is Michelle Obama’s Pantsuit

  1. Yeah, his real name is “Michael” not Michelle and he is really a man pretending to be a woman. Just saying………………………………………..

    1. I am guessing that you probably also believe that the kid from the LIFE cereal commercials died from mixing pop rocks and coke? You may be new to this sort of thing, but you really can’t believe everything you read on the internet.

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