Matt Chandler: ‘You are Complicit in the Unrest and Destruction of our Nation’

Matt Chandler, the woke charismatic Pastor of the Village Church, head of Acts 29 network, and prolific conference speaker who never met an invitation to speak he could turn down, no matter what scoundrels and theological riffraff he was speaking alongside with, joined forces with the rest of mainstream Christian leaders and blamed the storming of Capitol Hill and the nation’s political unrest, in part, on you.

Engaging in some Capitol Hill Theory (CHT), he offered up a prayer during his recent church service, declaring:

Let me pray these prayers of trust over us. Father, even as we see the devolution and destruction going on in our nation, the division, the things that we have in certain ways been complicit with, we ask the spirit of the living God that you would move in power, that you would – you say if we return to you, humbling ourself, owning where we have participated and asking for a fresh outpouring of your spirit.

and then earlier:

Have you over the last few years misplaced your hope? If you have, you’ve participated in the unrest. Have you with your online persona participated in the unrest? Have you with your prayerlessness participated in the Unrest? Has a lack of seriousness around real discipleship of really following after Jesus helped you to participate in the unrest?

If we don’t know how to take that stuff to [God], then it oozes out of us onto our online platform, into our kind of picking a team rather than going, ‘I’m on the Lord’s side.’

And we’ll need to repent of that, personally own our stuff. I don’t want to be a subject matter expert in everyone else’s send. I do want to be pretty dialed into my own. It’ll keep me in a place where the Lord can bless me, where I can get a sense of His presence more richly, and…walk in the power that He’s promised me.

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5 thoughts on “Matt Chandler: ‘You are Complicit in the Unrest and Destruction of our Nation’

  1. This is what one would call a “nothing burger.”
    I’m no fan of Chandler, but this doesn’t deserve a spot on your page.

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