Hillsong’s Bobbie Houston Recommends Plastic Surgery, Not Feeling like a ‘R******’ For Better Sex Life

Bobbie Houston, wife of supreme Hillsong overlord Brian Houston, has some interesting advice to women wanting to have a better marriage, and it’s getting her a lot of flak.
In some recently unearthed audio from a 2003 series called Kingdom Women Love Sex, a title that was later toned down since to Kingdom Women Love and Value their Sexuality, Houston speaks about staying fit, exercising to boost your sexual prowess, even geting surgery if need be, but it was one particular comment that has people raising their eyebrows. Actually, make it two.
Though most of it is run of the mill sex advice, it was her candid descriptions on the effects of weight gain in the marital bed that irked critics, who accused her of using one particular word as a slur and pejorative.
If I carry weight I feel like a retard, how are you going to do anything to surprise your man when you need a hydraulic crane just to turn over in bed?
Shockingly, she goes on to recommend plastic surgery “down there” to enhance the sex, as well as recommends kegels.
Have plastic surgery if it makes you feel better and it is for the right reasons, and girls, pelvic floor exercise – can you believe I am saying this? You know, I have heard that orgasm is not as strong if you are really sloppy in that area…
Back pain. Plumbing bits. OK, get them fixed, get healed, or go to a doctor, I’m not joking.
Houston says not to worry about “Kama Sutra position 5004,” saying, “just don’t even go there. It won’t work,” riffing, “because how many would agree your men have trouble assembling a swing set on Christmas morning?
She says that women should also get their teeth done, get a facelift if needed to keeps things sagging and employ an extensive anti-aging beauty regiment to keep one looking good.
We need to be good at sex ourselves so that if the world happens to come knocking we can tell the story of God in our lives. We can say, ‘I have a great marriage and a great sex life.’ Wink, wink, nudge, nudge.
Hillsong is currently embroiled in a scandal in its’ NYC church plant, after a culture of sexual perversion and power struggle has been unearthed in the aftermath of the firing of disgraced adulterous pastor Carl Lentz.
That doesn’t sound like a church to me.