Argentina Legalizes Abortion in Historic Evil Vote

Argentina has become the first Latin American county to legalize abortion, after a grueling and hard-fought campaign, and despite heated opposition from the influential Roman Catholic Church.
Making abortion legal up to 14 weeks, the Senate voted 38-29 to give women the ability to access legal baby-killing under law supported by Argentina President Alberto Fernández, as women celebrated and wept openly in the streets at the realization that they acquired the right to poison and dismember their children in the womb.
Previously abortion was only permissible in cases of rape and incest and was otherwise punishable by up to 15 years – though that punishment was rarely if ever enforced.
It is expected that this diabolical ruling will have a far-reaching impact in the region and embolden other pro-abortion activists to pass their own legislation and fight for abortion in their own countries, many of which have strict and restrictive laws, and where the Roman Catholic Church continues to wield pervasive cultural influence.

One lawmaker, Monica Macha, tweeted out:
“We did it sisters. We made history. We did it together. There are no words for this moment, it passes through the body and the soul.”
Come quickly Lord Jesus.
[Editor’s Note: Given the fact that people who support legalized infanticide also tend to be absolute Karens about masks and social distancing, don’t these pictures show the level of hypocrisy they have?]
I will never understand the mindset that celebrates this evil.
I think it boils down to “I have the power to kill this innocent human life and nothing will stop me, ha ha ha ha ha ha”.