Pope Condemns Anti-Mask Protests and COVID-19 Deniers in ‘Scathing’ New Book

In Pope Francis’ new book Let Us Dream: The Path to a Better Future, which is set for release December 1st, the pugnacious Pontiff who has been keeping Roman Catholic apologists on their toes with a whirlwind of spicy comments approving same-sex civil unions, affirming Biden’s catholic faith, appointing pro-LBGT cardinals to positions of power, and generally engaging in Green New Deal fanboyism, takes aim at protesters who have publicly voiced their displeasure for anti-mask mandates while naming George Floyd and giving his protests the scepter of approval.
Rolling up his robed sleeves at citizens rallying against COVID lockdowns and restrictions, he offered an open fisted backhand to those who said that “being forced to wear a mask is an unwarranted imposition by the state”
He writes that “with some exceptions, governments have made great efforts to put the wellbeing of their people first, acting decisively to protect health and to save lives,” and insinuates that the United States was one of the few countries who “mortgaged their people” by “putting the economy first”.
“Some groups protested, refusing to keep their distance, marching against travel restrictions — as if measures that governments must impose for the good of their people constitute some kind of political assault on autonomy or personal freedom…
“You’ll never find such people protesting the death of George Floyd, or joining a demonstration because there are shanty towns where children lack water or education, or because there are whole families who have lost their income.
On such matters, they would never protest; they are incapable of moving outside of their own little world of interests.”
The publisher describes the book as:
“A scathing critique of the systems and ideologies that conspired to produce the current crisis, from a global economy obsessed with profit and heedless of the people and environment it harms, to politicians who foment their people’s fear and use it to increase their own power at their people’s expense.”
Sounds thrilling.
Nevermind the fact that studies have proven that wearing masks show no statistically significant increase in protection from Covid. All these liberals are crying about masks, yet are blind to the protests and celebrations of Biden’s alleged presidential win. Hypocrites all of them.