Harvest Bible Chapel Spent $200,000 in Tithes on Pastor James MacDonald’s Home Security?

The thoroughly compromised Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC), which for years was burning through the sacrificial tithes and offerings of their congregants in order to enable the mammon-loving of their Senior Pastor James MacDonald, has been revealed to have authorized (and probably spent the whole amount, knowing these guys) nearly a quarter of a million dollars on home security for their pastor.

James MacDonald, you’ll recall, had his employment officially terminated by the elder board in November of 2019, declaring the money-grubbing guzzler to be so not above reproach, that they raked him over the coals sixty ways to Sunday and called him out for the abusive, greedy, two-fold son of hell that he is. Macdonald sued, and in arbitration he received nearly $2,500,000 in cash, assets, severance and compensation.

As all that is going down, we found one document to be interesting. Provided by @reachjulieroys, it is a 2015 letter informing that the governing board of HBC “has undertaken to fund a number of security measures for one of our key employees” and that “Harvest Bible Chapel will be distributing up to 200,000, to fund the various items elated to securing the property.”


Lest you think he could just wire up his home with SimpliSafe and get a few guns like the rest of normal folk, given Macdonald’s predatory predilections, this was not to be so.

Macdonald has a multi-million dollar custom 5.5-bathroom, five-bedroom home that sits on 10 acres. For a while he was in danger of losing it and having it foreclosed, as he owed $947,000 to the Republic Bank of Chicago. When it was up for sale, this was part of the listing:

“Home has high-end custom windows throughout, state of the art security and sound system. Ample indoor/outdoor entertaining areas are perfect settings to host gatherings large & small to create memories for a lifetime.” 

For a guy whose church gave him a nearly unlimited checking account and let him spend $170,851 on hunting and fishing trips, $139,502 on meals and entertainment, and $94,017 on clothing and eyewear in just a three-year period, giving him $200,000 on home security and a sound system is just par for the course.

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