Prattville, AL, Becomes a Sanctuary City for the Unborn

On Election Day, the city of Prattville, AL, a suburb of Montgomery, passed an ordinance to for the city to be a Sanctuary City for the unborn, according to an article on the website  LifeNews cites a local TV report, WSFA 12 News, with the following:

WSFA 12 News reports Prattville, which is near Montgomery, is the first city in Alabama to pass a pro-life resolution. Across the country, nearly two dozen cities in Texas and other states have adopted similar resolutions and ordinances to protect babies in the womb.

Councilwoman Lora Lee Boone, who represents District 7, sponsored the pro-life measure, according to the report. She said she wanted to make it clear that the city values human life at all stages.

“We’re just trying to make a positive statement about character, and character in the city of Prattville and values in the city of Prattville and just make a broad statement that we value life in all stages,” she told the local news.

The resolution states that Prattville is “a safe city for pre-born children and lives in all stages.”

Also according to the LifeNews report, Prattville joins a growing list of cities who have passed ordinances that protect the lives of the unborn.  The movement of providing safe havens for the unborn, which shows how depraved this world has become, that the unborn need sanctuary cities and counties, has grown in the past several election cycles, with multiple cities in Texas also listed as safe havens for developing unborn babies.

The mission of the abolition of abortion is one of top priorities of the Church. Children, born and unborn, occupy a special place in the heart and will of God, and as a church we are to be the army to fulfill this mission. It is a long and arduous war but it is one we must tirelessly fight. It is an unimaginable thing that there were “spiritual leaders” (Tim Keller and TGC, Russell Moore and the ERLC of the Southern Baptist Convention, among others) using their influence to manipulate Evangelicals to vote for candidates who advocate for the killing of babies, not only in the womb but also outside of the womb.

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