Exit Polls Show Evangelical Support For Trump dropped 5%. Big Eva Rejoices

We wrote three weeks ago how certain men who make a living creeping in unawares have been waging a war to shave points off the evangelical vote for Trump and turn the tides of war towards the baby-killing braggarts of the Democratic Party. According to exit polls released by the New York Times, they got their wish.
In 2016, Evangelicals voted 81%-16% for the Republican Party. Following four years of leftists losing their ever-loving minds and promising a radical mandate that would make even Canada blush, the numbers shifted to 78%-23%, with Trump losing 3% but most alarmingly, Biden gaining 7% of the evangelical vote.
While not claiming to be prophets, we said last month, “The good news is that Donald Trump is gaining supporters in the black and Hispanic community commensurate with what he’s losing in evangelicalism. And the irony is sweet; the evangelical talking point against Donald Trump is that he’s racist. It would only make sense in God’s divine irony to make up for his evangelical losses in minority communities.” By all accounts, this has occurred, with Trump gaining large swaths of the Black and Latino vote.
Men and ministries that have encouraged people to either vote for the Democrats, or vote for either party include Tim Keller, JD Greear, TGC, 9 Marks Ministries, John Piper, David Platt, Thabiti Anyabwile, Russell Moore, and a host of others.
Mark ’em even more.
I have no problem with people who find it unconscionable to support, or even vote for Trump. But when those same people use their prominent positions within evangelicalism to promote teachings, not from a clear-headed reading of scripture, but from the Marxist think-tanks of critical-race academia, it shows how they “love the approval of men rather than the approval of God”.
Most of these “reformed” people became accustomed to attention and accolades when tacking Calvinistic soteriology on to whatever generic doctrine they already believed was cool and trendy, and now that the “woke” fad has come along, they’re not going to let it go by without capitalizing on it. Woke evangelical leaders are conforming themselves according to what they *think* the world wants and their conformation to the world is a failure on 2 levels. First and foremost it is a failure to maintain fidelity to the Gospel by reinterpreting Scripture through critical-race-centric hermeneutics. Secondly, and as this article points out ironically, it is a failure to gauge what the world outside of the MSM and academia actually thinks about Trump. Every report on the 2020 election poll results is accompanied by the phrase “demographic shift” in reference to the fact that Trump’s popularity with non-white voters *increased* by a substantial margin. Apparently, in their race to see who can be the most woke, these leaders lost touch with everybody *except* white people.
From their own words and actions these men are at best, “[spiritual] children, tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine” and at worst they are the very men devising the false doctrine of wokeness through their trickery, craftiness, and deceitful scheming.
I wonder when we will all be able to see the good fruit coming from the Democratic party once the sanctifying influence of their newest evangelical voting block has taken root?
When this ramps up, we need to shove all of the atrocities in Big Eva’s faces. They hated their neighbors by supporting the suppression of their voices, which are their votes. They sinned against God and surrendered their qualification as pastors/shepherds.