Project Veritas Exposes Michigan Post Office Corruption

On Wednesday night, James O’Keefe of Project Veritas released an interview from an unidentified postal worker in Michigan who claims he was instructed to violate election law in order to sway the 2020 election.

The unidentified worker claims to work as a mail carrier at the Barlow branch of the Traverse City post office, and claims his boss told he and his colleagues to seperate any ballots they found in outgoing mail from the rest of the mail in order to hand stamp them with November 3rd so they could still be counted in direct violation of Michigan election law, which stipulates that ballots must be received by the election clerk “before the close of the polls on election day (8 PM local time).

O’Keefe then attempts to call the post office supervisor at the Barlow branch to ask about the allegations and is promptly hung up on.

With mail carriers collecting any ballots and postmarking them fraudulently, the potential for election fraud is undeniable. This is not the first sign of deep and pervasive fraud related to yesterday’s election, and it certainly won’t be the last. See the video here:

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