Pro-choice Bible Teacher who Attends JD Greear Church Praises Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mourns Death

You would think that the top leader of the Southern Baptist Convention — the largest Protestant denomination in America that calls itself “conservative” — would hold his own church accountable to the Scriptures on issues that shouldn’t even be debatable — like women teaching in churches and holding to theological positions that are opposed to the revealed will of God.
No. Instead, JD Greear props up a Jezebel named Rebecca Shrader who continues to defy God while representing his church.
Rebecca Shrader refers to herself as a “pro-life feminist, pro-choice Christian” who authored a “statement of lament” for white people to sign denouncing their skin color. Shrader is a small group Bible teacher at Greear’s Summit Church in North Carolina, and proudly boasts it.

Shrader is a very confused person who believes that she is “pro-life” because she chose not to kill her own children. However, Shrader is continually and adamantly clear that she believes every woman should have the “choice” whether or not to end their own children’s lives. She defends Planned Parenthood and does not believe that life begins at conception.

She has also stated that she would join hands with the pro-choice escorts at abortion clinics to protect them from hearing the gospel from pro-life groups.

And she, a “bible teacher,” is apparently clueless as to why Christians believe murder is wrong and should be illegal.

So it should come as no surprise that Shrader, a teacher and member in good standing at the Southern Baptist Convention president’s church, praises one of the most anti-Christ, pro-abortion, pro-sodomy Supreme Court Justices ever to walk the face of this earth, Ruth Bader Ginsburg.

People, if you want to know what’s wrong with the Evangelical Church today, look no further than Rebecca Shrader, and particularly, her pastor, JD Greear.
God is surely shaking His head with sadness at what’s happening in His church…
One wicked jezebel witch dies and there are MANY more out there today taking her place at jezebels table !