Breaking: Mitch McConnell on Ruth Bader Ginsburg Vacancy: ‘President Trump’s Nominee will Receive a Vote on the Floor of the United States Senate’

US Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell, the man tasked with pushing Conservatives judges through, has released a statement on the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, morning her loss, but saying that he intends to defy her last wishes (“My most fervent wish is that I will not be replaced until a new president is installed.”) and has pledged to bring President Trump’s nominee to vote on the floor of the US Senate.

McConnell reached a milestone back in June 2020, when he confirmed his 200th Judge, and has confirmed several more since then, including 6 in the last 36 hours.
…and you thought liberals’ heads were already spinning? You ain’t seen nothing yet 🙂
I am a firm believer that the Supreme Court has WAY too much power.