Pew Research: Parents Attending Liberal Churches Twice as Likely as Evangelicals to Produce Atheist Teenagers

Parents from mainline protestant denominations (Episcopalians, United Methodists, PCUSA, ELCA, and the SBC if it doesn’t get it’s act together) are twice as likely as parents who go to churches that actually believe the bible to end up having atheists or agnostic kids, according to a new report by the Pew Research Center.

In a report released Thursday, the study discovered that 80% of evangelicals surveyed had at least one teenager who shared the same beliefs that they did and attended the same church, unlike mainline protestant denominations whose numbers were barely hovering above 50%. When all children are factored in, mainliners report that 25% of them had teenagers that were atheists or “religiously unaffiliated.’

Furthermore, 88% percent of self-described evangelical teens said they talk about their faith and belief with their family, while only 60% of teenagers from woke liberal churches said the same.

And the whole thing makes sense. The parents aren’t getting Jesus from their woke churches, and as a result, they’re not passing it on. Why would they? They can get lame platitudes, vague moral encouragement, and rainbow stickers from anywhere. Given that the teens also likely don’t see the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in their parents, with their parents have chased him away long ago, it’s not hard for them to see that they don’t need a church for that.

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