Help Us Get the Gospel to Jails and Prisons During COVID-19 Lockdowns

At FBC Sidney*, we have been going into our local jail for years each week with a men’s Bible study. We’ve seen God work through incarceration to save his people. But unfortunately, we have been again restricted from visiting the inmates due to the Governor’s lockdown of jails and prisons. This leaves us wondering how we can continue to minister to the incarcerated while being restricted from going in. 

And we aren’t the only ones. PNP is dedicated to helping local churches do the work of ministry, and most local churches are unable to currently visit the inmates they regularly minister to, some of whom are believers and others need to hear about Christ for the first time. 

A generous donor has pledged three-thousand dollars in matching funds for every dollar raised by a Go Fund Me campaign to purchase Spurgeon’s “Morning and Evening” devotionals to dissemination in local jails. 

We will work to give the Bible study, designed for individual as well as group learning, to local, New Testament Churches who are actively engaged in prison ministry but who can’t go into the jails because of COVID-19. 

We will provide up to 400 devotional books to more than 60 local churches to take to their local prisons or jails to be handed out to help disciple and evangelize inmates in their absence. 

The list of nearly a hundred churches we helped purchase webcams in the earliest days of the pandemic will be on the shortlist of congregations who will receive this help. Other churches will have one week to request books be sent to them ending August 11, 2020.

“When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’ The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.'”

Click here to help.

*The funds will be overseen by Fellowship Baptist Church, Sidney MT (home of PNP News).

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