Breaking: Benny Hinn’s Wife Files For Divorce From Him. Again

Suzanne Hinn has filed for divorce from her famous money-grubbing televangelist husband the second time in 15 years, according to a new report from Trinity Fi.

Benny Hinn and his wife were first married in 1979, but she filed for divorce from him in 2010, after they’d been separated for years. Regarding this marriage, Hinn revealed things got so bad that they “could no longer exist in the same house.”

He later admitted,  “I was so busy in the ministry, I was so caught up with the ministry, I forgot about my family,” That’s probably what broke the whole thing up.”

We last wrote about this Dr. Michael Brown-endorsed prosperity-gospel heretic after he offered invitations to his birthday party for $5000 a person, released a ‘major prophecy’ two weeks before Hama’s attack on Israel where he claimed God told that Israel would soon make peace with Saudi Arabia and then Palestine, cajoled a conference crowd with some of the most blatant and dishonest money manipulations we’ve ever seen, and started knocking down whole crowds again.

Months after the initial filing, Hinn was famously captured by the National Enquirer emerging from a hotel in Rome holding hands with fellow televangelist Paula White.

Hinn insisted that they were “just friends” and insisted the whole situation was completely innocent. With the scandal straining credulity, his book publisher certainly thought it wasn’t innocent. Strang Co. now known as Charisma Media, advanced him $300,000 for a book deal and then sued him for violating his morality cause by engaging in a “romantic” and “inappropriate” relationship, seeking to recover $250,000 of the money.

Though the divorce was finalized, the couple rekindled their romance and gave it another go. They remarried three years later, with Hinn unsurprisingly selling DVDs of the big event at $25 a piece.

Now, however, she’s getting out again. Suzanne filed in Florida, which is a no-fault divorce and has equitable distribution. This is where judges divide marital property equitably, with the possibility of some unequalness if one couple’s economic situation calls for it.

Unless Suzanne Hinn signed a new prenuptial agreement following her remarriage to Hinn, she should get half his assets.

While many online websites peg Hinn’s fortunes anywhere from $30-$100M dollars, the reality is that his ministry, World Healing Center Church, also known as Benny Hinn Ministries, is broke. “In a 2021 court ruling, Judge Alvin Hellerstein wrote about Benny, “For nearly 15 years, Defendant had been falling behind its payment obligations, with over $5.6 million in arrears by early 2012.”

Twenty years ago, WHCC had nearly 400 employees working for them – little minions spread across several countries and continents that fueled the heresy-making machine. Now that WHCC been reduced to a shell of their former self, they are only staffing a little over 20 people in a rundown headquarters next to empty parking lots.

Still, they have some personal assets, including houses and property worth millions, and it looks like he will soon be parting with those.

The famous prosperity heretic, in the things that matter in life, is not so prosperous after all.

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4 thoughts on “Breaking: Benny Hinn’s Wife Files For Divorce From Him. Again

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  2. Why do people even pay attention to this heretic. He ruins people’s lives with his fake healings and lies and manipulation. He will answer to Jesus one day. And then there are the people like Francis Chan who give him some strange kind of credibility. May Christ’s Kingdom come soon.

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