Prominent Progressives Raise $150k on Kickstarter To Fund God-Awful ‘Kids Bible’

A collective of Jesus-hating progressives has blown past its Kickstarter goal to bring their new illustrated storybook bible, God’s Stories as Told by God’s Children, to the masses, raising nearly $150k against a $60k goal and all but ensuring we’re about to get one more bible book fit for the burn barrel.

The new kid’s bible is spearheaded by the organization “The Bible for Normal People,” the ministry of Pete Enns and Jared Byas. Enns is the more notorious of the two. He jumped on the emergent church bandwagon just as it broke down and swiftly devolved into a puddle of liberal theology and inerrancy denial, making a name for himself with his book “The Sin of Certainty.

According to their website, their mission is to unironically “Bring the best in biblical scholarship to everyday people,” all the while revealing: “Our heart is for the normal person, so we are not elitist or exclusionary…we are inclusive of LGBTQ people, women, BIPOC, disabled people, and other diverse religious voices and backgrounds.” 

Their Kickstarter page explains the purpose of the new kids bible:

“For the past twelve months, we have been working with biblical scholars, theologians, faith practitioners, and authors from all over the world to create a children’s storybook Bible with a difference. God’s Stories as told by God’s Children, integrates biblical scholarship with engaging storytelling, illuminating the stories behind the biblical texts in a way that embraces curiosity and conversation.”

Because in our survey of 10 of the most popular children’s storybook Bibles, we found:

  • 8 out of 10 were written by men
  • 9 out of 10 were written by a single author
  • 10 out of 10 were infused with biblical literalism
  • 8 out of 10 espoused a single atonement theory

Oh no! What horror. What is the remedy?

Which is where we come in. 

God’s Stories as told by God’s Children, offers curious kids and their adults something different. Something better. A way of reading the Bible that:

  • honors its ancientness, its complexity, and its many voices,
  • encourages children to engage their hearts, souls, and minds, 
  • and lays the foundations for a faith that grows and evolves as your child does.

Naturally, some of the bible’s contributors are eclectic to say the least:

In short, it’s gonna be a hot mess and every Christian should rightfully hate it.

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