Rachel Gilson Joins Transgendered Xtian in Promo Vid

Rachel Gilson has long been an of-cited source for Reformed Folk looking for to push an innovative and subversive message on same-sex theology. Frequently platformed and pushed by The Gospel Coalition, both in featured articles, videos, and as a conference speaker, her writings have been featured at John Piper’s Desiring God and that liberal rag Christianity Today. She currently works at CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) on their National Theological Team, where “she is specifically giving leadership to staff, students, and churches in how to approach LGBT people and issues with grace and truth. “

In a recent promo video unearthed by The Dissenter, Gilson is seen appearing in a promo video for Preston Sprinkle’s Center for Faith, Sexuality, and Gender, giving a snippet of her testimony while appearing alongside other LGBTQ people, including ‘Christian Transgendered’ man who thinks he’s a woman, sending the message that this is perfectly normal and acceptable.

It’s an unsurprising move from Gilson. She’s the author of the book “Born Again This Way” and has spoken extensively on same-sex issues, on account of being a former practicing lesbian who is in a “mixed-orientation marriage” with a straight man, despite her still being exclusively attracted to women. She’s also on the leadership team with Preston Sprinkle’s The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender and is a writer/fellow at the Gospel Coaltions ‘The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics.’

We’ve been warning people about her for a long time, after she came on our radar in 2018 when featured in the Christianity Today post, “I Never Became Straight. Perhaps That Was Never God’s Goal.” In that article, she made the astonishing claim, “Slowly, I came to understand that ‘making me straight’ wasn’t the answer. There is no biblical command to be heterosexual.”

We wrote about her recently after she suggested during her talk at the 2018 CRU conference that God hates gay people divorcing just as much as straight people and that when gay marriages end, “it breaks that image of marriage just as surely as anything else.”  She also spoke of a gay couple “divorcing” as a sad event, which is strange for a Christian to say when it should be a joyous occasion.

While Sprinkle’s The Center for Faith, Sexuality & Gender seeks to be a resource for Christians, they have long instead been a source of confusion and discord, serving as controlled opposition intended to muddy up the waters, which we’ve covered in our posts:

Preston Sprinkle Promotes Annihilationism and Universalism as Orthodox Views on Hell
Preston Sprinkle+ Guest Says Christian Parents Should Let Their Teenage LGBTQ Children Go On Same-Sex Dates
Preston Sprinkle LGBTQ Parenting Video is Explicit: Your Child Will Be Gay Forever

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4 thoughts on “Rachel Gilson Joins Transgendered Xtian in Promo Vid

  1. In all honesty…I wouldn’t want her in our Church anyway. She has a mouth problem which is enough that we don’t want her shirt of genuine and sincere and effectual Repentance and Faith… Rev. 2:20 and 1 Timothy 2:9-15…we can spot em as “laypeople” and the Shepherds many be but hirelings and enemies.

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