Sean Feucht Claims 98 people Saved at SatanCon, Satanic Temple Responds ‘(Feucht) is Full of S***’

As the Satanic Temple concluded ‘SatanCon 2023’ in Boston, MA, a 3-day event of “presentations, satanic rituals, discussion panels, and a satanic marketplace,” which they claim is the largest satanic gathering in history, Prominent worship leader Sean Feucht has claimed that covert evangelists infiltrated the crowd, resulting in 98 “verified” salvations. 

Reports of these 98 verified souls being saved caught the attention of Lucien Greaves, the co-founder and spokesperson for The Satanic Temple, and the event organizer. He asked for even one name of saved attendee and claimed that Feucht “couldn’t be more pathetically full of s***”

Another attendee likewise questioned Feucht’s claims and challenged him to name some names, but Feucht dismissed and ignored the query.

Church Leaders reached out to Feucht to ask him how he could verify these numbers, and he responded:

“I know the team that was there in Boston. They’re friends of mine. And so when I say verified, that’s what I mean. Like this isn’t like hearsay. These are people that I know that I trust.”

Some of the groups at ground level evangelizing for their faith included Roman Catholics and…others.

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5 thoughts on “Sean Feucht Claims 98 people Saved at SatanCon, Satanic Temple Responds ‘(Feucht) is Full of S***’

  1. How ridiculously sad that people are whooping and hollering as a lost soul rips God’s Word. “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God” (Heb. 10:31). These people will face a rude awakening one day and will rue their actions. God is not mocked.

  2. Evil, ignorant children impotently mocking the all-powerful Great I AM that created them. Beyond pathetic.

  3. Why does Protestia always join in the attack alongside atheists and Satanists in ridiculing and mocking Christians? I guess whatever gets clicks. After all, this entire site is little more than the low-quality, tabloid-esque ego project of a shamed, disqualified and disgraced former so-called pastor.

    1. I hardly see accurately reporting on this story as an ‘attack’ and don’t personally recall Protestia ever joining with atheists and Satanists to ridicule and mock Christians.
      Apparently, this ‘low-quality, tabloid-esque ego project’ is good enough for your attention, time, and comment 😛

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