A Posterchild For The Transgender Movement Takes His Own Life

Kayleigh Scott, a United Airlines flight attendant, has taken his own life just three years after having his transition story shared as part of a United Airlines advertisement celebrating the 2020 Trans Day of Visibility. 

The exposure from the United video brought Scott a measure of internet stardom for his supposed bravery in deciding he was no longer a male but would instead don a wig and masquerade as a female. Scott himself credited the airline for aiding in his gender confusion. “My life changed for the better when I came to United as a flight attendant. With the support from the company, our business resource group for LGBTQ+ employees, and all of my loving co-workers, I was able to break free from the chains that helped me, and to this day, I’m living confidently. It’s my true self.” 

Apparently, his confidence had waned considerably since 2020 because in the early morning hours of March 23, 2023, Scott posted this message on Instagram:

After reading Scott’s post, friends of the troubled young man alerted authorities. It was too late, however, as Denver police later found him deceased. Scott was just 25 years old. 

Protestia takes no joy in the passing of this young man. Although we stand firmly against all types of sexual immorality and gender confusion, it is nonetheless sad when any lost soul leaves this earth and is catapulted into eternal punishment. It’s creeping influence and impact is not an issue relegated to the secular, but to Christebdom as well. We’ve written about transgender acceptance in Andy Stanley’s church, as well as the Church of England ordaining its first non-binary transgender priest.

Sadly, this end is all too common for those who engage in transgenderism. A recent NIH study found that 82% of transgender individuals have considered killing themselves, and 40% have attempted suicide. Although this is troubling, it is not surprising.

Those involved in transgenderism have rejected God and His standards for creation and moral living. As Paul says, they have been given over to a reprobate mind (Romans 1:28) and have had their conscience seared with a hot iron (1 Timothy 4:2). We pray that those leading this movement to corrupt the minds of young people with this perversion will repent and stop doing evil, and that the Lord would mercifully rescue and redeem anyone lost in this lie.

This article was written by Reverend J.W. Baker, as a guest post for Protestia.

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16 thoughts on “A Posterchild For The Transgender Movement Takes His Own Life

  1. Sounds like the guy was trapped by his own popularity In the company’s advertisement, so he couldn’t publicly change his mind and seek reparative therapy, that’s getting hard to do since they are waging war against helping these people with their mental illness instead of enabling it. The truth is out there but they are making it hard to find as they are constantly enabling.

    Bottom line these people are trapped in Satan’s snare in the people who claim to care the most about them are bound determined to keep them in it and tell they like so many others commit suicide.


  2. Just so sad. They try to fill the hole in their tormented soul by cutting off body parts, take hormones, wear effeminate clothes and other crazy stuff and then discover the hole or the damage they have suffered is still there. People coddle them instead of getting them the help they obviously and desperately need. Which is more loving: coddle someone and help to condemn their soul to hell or tell them the Truth and be part of God’s work to save their soul for eternity?

  3. This is a tragedy and every individual who catered to this guy’s delusion/mental illness has blood on their hands. Our godless society has decided it’s easier to entertain the madness than battle it.

  4. He chose the path that leads to destruction. Yet, as usual, the world will ignore it’s culpability in setting him up for his tremendous fall, while trying to shift blame to those who urged him not to take the path that he did.

  5. Keep in mind, there are those of us who the Lord have saved out of this lifestyle and who have truly repented of it. We come to Christ by His grace through faith and true Godly sorrow and Biblical repentance of what we’ve done after our bodies have been forever changed by the surgeries and the hormones. But we have so complicated and destroyed our lives that it’s not possible to change back to the bodies the Lord gave us at birth, nor is it always possible to revert back to our original identities. It is absolutely agonizing to literally drag this body of death around waiting for the Lord to give us a new one at the Rapture. But one thing is for sure – those who have truly repented have absolutely broken with the old lifestyle and have become new creatures in Christ. The old nature is gone and our new identity in Christ has come. But it comes with unending temporal consequences and the terrible price and knowledge that we lost families and friends because we thought we were “born in the wrong bodies”.

    1. You lost me at not being able to revert back to your “original identities”

      It essentially amounts to going to war against reality, which is to war against the reality of God’s created design. And it’s pretty much common sense that if one goes to war against reality, sooner or later reality is going to win. The farther distanced from reality one has become, the more catastrophic that loss will be. Encouraging and affirming people in that losing battle, is just setting them up. As the Bible says, “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.” That is, in this case, the pride and haughtiness of mankind believing he can defeat and overcome the created reality that God has put into place, can only lead to a tremendous fall.

      If you’re still claiming an identity that is at war with God’s created reality, then you are still at war with God’s created reality, and the haughtiness and pride it takes to expect, if not demand, others to join that war is still present. If you can’t let it go, you are inevitably going to cause others to sin.

      You’re still not willing to set yourself aside, set aside the concerns of this world, set aside the fear of mankind, set aside temporal ramifications enough to completely leave the path that leads to destruction.

      You may never get married. You may never have children. You may never lead a normal life. Well, there are hundreds of millions of people who never marry, never have children, and never lead a normal life. Millions throughout history have been born with deformities. What makes you any better or more deserving of a great life? Nothing. You’re not owed a normal or great life. Service to the Lord is not about having a great life. It’s about eternal matters.

      Everything in this life is temporal.

      Nobody gets the life they want. Nobody’s life is a bed of roses.

      Have faith in the Lord to meet your needs, as He promised to do so.

      It absolutely is possible to revert to God’s created reality, and the sooner you align with God’s created reality, the better off you’ll be. Failure to completely do so is the source of the burden you carry. It’s not the physical mutilations. It’s refusal to completely submit to the Lord. That’s the source of your burden.

      You’re worried about what others will think, or how it may affect livelihood, etc. Every single reason you could possibly have for claiming it is not possible to revert, is also temporal. You’re still stuck underneath the burden of such temporal concerns.

      I use “you” and “your” in general terms. I don’t know if you’re referring to your own situation or to that of others you may know.

      Whoever it is, I encourage you/them to fully and completely repent, and to fully and completely submit to the Lord. If you’re still making yourself appear to be the opposite sex, you are still committing abominable sin (Duet. 22:5), as well as bearing false witness, and one who is born of God will not continue in sin (1 John 3:4-10), much less cause others to sin – much less cause little ones to stumble. Every time a little one sees you and refers to you as something that you are not, against God’s created design, you have caused that little one to sin. You’ve put yourself and your own temporal concerns ahead of them and their eternal fate.

      Not trying to bash or beat you down here. It should go without saying this is meant constructively.

    2. If you’ll take that leap of faith, let go, quit leaning on your own understanding, quit dwelling on yourself and what you want out of this life, and just submit to the Lord and do things His way, you just might be surprised to discover those burdens fade away. You’ll no longer be under and subject to the cares of this world.

      If you’re not concerned with the things of this world, then the things of this world can’t burden you.

      While concern with, and alignment to, God’s way is never burdensome. God’s way is never the source of our burden. “For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments. And his commandments are not burdensome.” (1 John 5:3). That is the peace that passes understanding.

      “For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” – Jesus, Matt. 1625

      Fully repent. Fully turn. Fully submit.

    3. And of course if you claim to be born again, to have repented and turned from your sin, and submitted to the Lord, yet you continue to make yourself appear to be the opposite sex, can you blame anybody else for not buying it? Is it your family’s fault they’re not buying it?

      Who’s supposed to believe you turned from sin, when you’re continuously committing the sin of making yourself appear to be the opposite sex? They can tell you’re still living in sin simply by looking at you.

      They rightfully shouldn’t buy it. Nobody should buy it. Nor should you expect anyone else to do so. You needn’t expect others to sin on your behalf.

      That’s why you remain estranged. The onus is not on them. It’s on you. It’s not their fault. It’s yours.

      If you can get up in the morning and dress yourself at all, then you can dress yourself in a manner that honors the Lord. No excuses.

  6. Tekton – Your comments are understandable and appreciated. Due to the length of your replies, I can only address one of your points:
    “…yet you continue to make yourself appear to be the opposite sex”.
    Nope – you misunderstood. While after 35 years of hormones and the surgeries that were performed back then, there is no way that I can look like the sex I was born as. At my advanced age, it’s not able to be surgically changed back into the way I was born. I will never be able to look like my birth sex physically again.

    As for “making myself appear this way”, I’m not “making” anything – I do not dress that way anymore, use those pronouns to refer to myself, nothing. I do nothing to promote or even to hint at what I once was. I abhor the old lifestyle and the stench that it has left in my memory. I grieve over my sin and the fact that I tried to turn God’s perfect creation into idolatry and into my own idea of how I should have been made. My repentance was not due to getting tired of the lifestyle or over what I have lost in my life – it was because I saw my sin for what it was in light of God’s holy righteousness, saw His grace that He granted me through faith in His Son, and ran to the cross in utter brokenness, contrition, repentance and faith in the only One that could save me and cleanse me. In His grace and mercy, He granted this wretch the gift of repentant faith and faith unto repentance.

    However, I cannot change my body back physically . And so I live as a eunuch for Christ. I have submitted my life to Him as His bond slave with no reservations. No one foot in the world – my repentance is Godly according to Scripture. The new nature is here – my identity is now in the Lord Jesus Christ. No excuses for the past – just consistent repentance and trying to move forward like everyone else in Scripture who committed sin and then had to live with the physical consequences even after God forgave them.
    Thanks for your comments

    1. I see. It’s good that we’ve clarified it, as others might’ve also mistaken that statement to have meant it was acceptable to continue to identify and dress as the opposite sex. I know you understand, some of what I posted was directed to the issue in general, and to the subject of the article here.

      What I’m reading in that response is not the words of a wretch. It’s the testimony of a former wretch.

      But if I may offer some encouragement, remember what’s past is past, my friend. Cast your cares upon Him. You don’t have to carry the burden of that guilt and shame. When the Lord has washed you clean, you are clean. What you were was wretched. What you are is not. You’re as separated from that sin as the east is from the west. It is no longer who you are.

  7. “It is no longer who you are.”
    Exactly – as a new creature in Christ, I do put the past in the past – just like David did after he repented for sinning with Bathsheba and having her husband killed, and like Paul after his Damascus Road experience after persecuting the saints. Yes, they were forgiven and moved forward – but they still had to live with the memories, and their victims were still just as dead. But thank God that Paul wrote that he didn’t look back but looked forward and was running the race laid out for him in Christ Jesus. And that’s me, too.

    No one would look at me and believe that this is my story – the surgeries and hormones have done their work too well. I was always very private about this and have told few people about it, much less flaunted it in the face of society like all these so-called “transgenders” are doing. When I was young, I used to think I was a “woman trapped in a man’s body” – which was a lie from Hell that I believed. But now I am literally a man trapped in a woman’s body – and except for God’s cleansing grace and mercy, it would be a living Hell. However, now I live for Christ and Christ alone. And He is my Reason for living.

    I’m sorry for any confusion in my original comment. I was hoping that it would not only give hope to those engaged in this lifestyle that God can indeed deliver them of their sinful desires and give them a new heart, butthat also others might see that God cand and will actually call some out of it and use them as a testimony of His grace, mercy and forgiveness. I can understand how you might have thought that my original comment was hypocritically promoting licentiousness. I can assure you that in no way can a person unrepentantly live this way and still be an authentic follower of the Lord Jesus. When the Holy Spirit regenerates someone, He gives them a new heart and new mind – and if they are authentically saved, they won’t want to sin anymore. Not saying that we won’t ever sin again, but that when we do, it’s not not without grieving over our sin and repentance for offending the One who died to save us.

    When I read His Word, I know that in order to bear fruit of repentance, I need to deny myself, pick up my cross and follow Him – relying only on Him to strengthen me and sanctify me until He calls me home. Every day. In every way. Not looking back. And living repentantly to please Him in everything I do.

    1. There is no need to apologize, my friend. Not only has the misunderstanding been cleared up, but as anyone who has been reading your testimony here can plainly see, it has worked out exactly how the Lord intended. When things like this happen, the scripture that usually comes to my mind is Romans 8:28. But with my memory what it is, when looking it up to make sure I had the correct chapter and verse, I realized just about the entire chapter is applicable, the passage verses 18 to 30 in particular. And howabout verses 22 and 23: “For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies”

      Whatever the sins of the past. Whatever we once were. We are all former wretches. And we all, along with creation itself await the day that we shed these corruptible bodies. Until then, we are at peace knowing the Lord is not slack concerning His promise, but is patient and long-suffering, not willing that any should perish (2 Pet. 3:9).

    2. I do understand the problem, I just don’t have the answers for you except to say what you and everyone else here already knows, that you can neither continue in sin nor give the appearance of continuing in sin. If you appear to be a woman pretending to be a man, that is also a problem.

      Whatever sacrifice you have to make, that is the price you must pay. If it is to stay out of public view, so be it. If it is to not use public restrooms, so be it. If it is to not speak, so be it.

      “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell. And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body go into hell.” – Jesus, Matt:5:29-30

      It is imperative that your church and all those around you know your testimony and know what’s going on, so that none are misled, particularly so they are able to teach and guide their children.

      You cannot keep it secret. You have an obligation to the Lord to tell those around you. As I see it, that is your only option. You’ve got to do everything you can possibly do to ensure that you are not sending the wrong message. And that’s going to require somewhat public confession and explanation to your church and those around you. You have to make it known.

      That’s how I see it, and I believe it is in line with scripture. But as I said, I don’t have all the answers.

      1. That may also include staying within the bounds of a small area or community, where all your neighbors know.

        Whatever the Lord requires, one thing important for those in your situation to understand is that the Devil wants us to believe his false dilemmas. He wants to drive people to a point of stinkin thinkin where they believe there are no options and no means of escape. But it is the Lord who decides when it’s over. It may seem like a hopeless either/or situation, but it isn’t. There are many things you can do that do not involve the continuance of sin, and that also do not send the wrong message. You don’t have to call a press conference or anything, but do let the word out. You have to make your testimony known. It might scare you, and there are prices to pay, but it is not impossible. With the Lord, nothing is impossible.

  8. I said a while ago that this woke culture will produce a generation of transgenders who regret transitioning. Sadly, I was correct. We’re seeing it happen.

    I believe that the Church should be thinking about how to help such people find freedom and peace in Christ. Christians should also learn to call out those “ministries” that only affirm transgenderism, as opposed to teaching repentance from it and salvation in Christ from transgenderism.

    1. You said, “I believe that the Church should be thinking about how to help such people find freedom and peace in Christ.” No, the church was not commissioned by Christ to offer a special help/service for this type of sinner over here, and that type of sinner over there. The church has been commissioned already by Christ to preach the word, and that is sufficient for all sinners. It is the preaching of the gospel that is God’s ordained means of saving sinners, and the Gospel, itself, is sufficient, and in no need of modification.

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