A Word of Thanks to Our Supporters

Just a quick post to thank our followers and supporters.

It’s 3:31 am, and I’ve been up for nearly three hours, working on posts and struck by the weight of responsibility and joy I feel at being able to write and do discernment work. Sometimes I’m laser-focused on a project and write a mile a minute. Other times, like two days ago, I am down a rabbit hole- in this case, single self-declared lesbian ‘pastors;’ who lead their own ‘churches,’ which all end up being exclusively ‘online churches’ via a single camera stream on Facebook. They sing bad songs, preach bad sermons, and routinely make overtures to the audience to ‘leave your name in chat, so we know you’re here,’ but no one ever responds. I’m sifting through it to see what can be gleaned and brought to our readers, and it’s both fascinating, cringe, and a bit sad at the degree of deception taking place. 

In any case, I wanted to highlight one of the many messages we received, which warms our souls.

You are a lifesaver. My wife and I have been attending Gwinnet church, part of Andy Stanley’s church for year now. We had no idea that he was gay affirming, and that there was so much happening under our noses. We like Stanley, but see now that even though he’s very likabale there is something under the surface that lets him operate in this space while keeoing his true intentions hidden and under the service. We stopped attending for the last two weeks are are looking for a new church. Any suggestions?”

If you’ve been faithfully giving to us (again, only after you give sacrificially to your local church and only if you’re attending or looking for a church. Seriously.) I want to say again thank you so much. I can’t express how much David and I appreciate it. 

We know you’ve stayed faithful and helped us keep the lights on at a time when this economy is tanking and this bank failure news has people on edge. It is so, so, so good of you. Please thank your families for us, as I know any funds given to us are funds that you can’t spend on them, and that sacrifice is not unnoticed.

If you can’t give but have been praying for us and the work we do- that is also a joy and a blessing. Thank you, as what we do needs the Holy Spirit to illuminate us, and your prayers are the means.

If you appreciate our work but are not a supporter yet, please check out our patreon page here. We’d love to have you hook us up and join us in bringing light to dark places. 

Our lowest tier gives you access to the full podcast and a few other perks, yet always remember that if you cannot afford it, please send us a message or a DM, and we will get you a show link. 

Lastly, as always, a special thanks to the donors giving $49.95, as your generous contributions cover costs and pay for these “scholarships,” especially those residing in other countries.

In His grip.
Dustin & David

About Author

4 thoughts on “A Word of Thanks to Our Supporters

  1. Thank you for your devotion to God’s Word and for boldly exposing those who twist it to their own advantage.

  2. You can probably save some of that time that keeps you up so late by finally putting to rest your continued infatuation with Kat Kerr (along with the photo and video snippet editing).

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