Former Seminary Head, Adam Greenway, Once Again Defends Saddleback Church

(The Dissenter) Last year, we reported that Adam Greenway, former president of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, was forced to resign amid revelations of gross incompetence. Greenway, who had taken control of the seminary three and a half years ago, saw nothing but decline under his leadership. He was unable to secure a new position at the International Mission Board (IMB), which he thought his close friend, Paul Chitwood had created especially for him, due to pushback from the board of trustees at the IMB.

The board of trustees of Southwestern Seminary spoke openly about Greenway’s incompetence, highlighting areas of concern such as dysfunctionality among senior leadership, budget mismanagement, overspending resulting in deficits per month, and resistance to safeguards board leadership wanted to implement.

Greenway, who had fired conservative professors at the school, including Bobby Lopez and David Allen, had spent several weeks following the…to continue reading, click here.

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at The Dissenter.

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