TGC Announces Next Round Of ‘Good Faith Debates’

The hive of scum and villainy known as The Gospel Coalition is putting on a series of debates to be aired from late February- March between several prominent folks. This is to be a “five-part video debate series featuring prominent Christian thinkers discussing some of the most divisive issues facing the church today” to show that “it’s possible for two Christians united around the gospel to engage in charitable conversation even amid substantive disagreement.”

During the last round of conversations, they functioned more as an amiable discussion rather than rigorous debates, frequently failing to do any meaningful cross-examination or ask hard-hitting questions designed to pierce the armor. Famously, during his debate, pacifist TGC writer Andrew Wilson argued that the world should have let Hitler and the Nazi’s conquer unopposed.

If we could suggest some topics, we’d offer these:

Instead, we get these:

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5 thoughts on “TGC Announces Next Round Of ‘Good Faith Debates’

  1. TGC is nothing more than a collective of godless wolves masquerading as something pious behind the word “Gospel”.

    Isaiah 5:20 – Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!

  2. You honestly think your two stupid “gotcha” questions make better debate topics than what they’ve scheduled? I’m no fan of the Gospel Coalition (understatement), but it’s just juvenile to complain about those topics. Complain if they do a bad job at shining the light of God’s Word on those topics, but not about the topics themselves.

    Get better writers.

    1. Get better arguments.

      Their ‘topics’ are meaningless within the context of orthodoxy. There is no point to debate these childish queries. They have no interest in the actual Gospel.

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