SBC President Argues Against Prosecuting Women Who Kill Babies Because *It’s Too Expensive*

SBC President Bart Barber has a long and storied history of fighting against abortion abolitionism, routinely going out of his way to quash it. Barber does not believe babies in the womb should be viewed and treated as human beings with the same protections as born children, but rather that all women who have abortions are victims who must never be prosecuted for murdering them. As a result, he’s done all he can to ensure the idea is never given any oxygen, slandering those who would want otherwise.
SBC President Bart Barber Gives a Lesson in How NOT to Repent
SBC. President Bart Barber Slanders Abortion Abolitionists + Lies About Ectopic Pregnancies and Coercion
SBC Prez. Bart Barber Slanders Conservatives and The Abolitionist Movement
Bart Barber Claims the Woman is “Never the One Doing the Killing” During an Abortion
Breaking! Bart Barber’s Resolutions Committee Kills Abortion Abolition Resolution in Favor of Watered Down One that Praises ERLCSBC Prez. Bart Barber Keeps on Misrepresenting Abortion Abolitionism. Why Can’t He Get it Right?
In a recent article where he again seeks to repudiate abolitionism, Barber offers that one of the reasons it is “unwise” to pass abortion bans that prosecute mothers who kill their babies is because it is not fiscally conservative. He argues that it would be too expensive and too much of a burden on the taxpayer to incarcerate the murderers and, therefore, should not be done.

But an abortionist only kills on behalf of the mother and is perfectly analogous to a woman who hires a hitman to kill her husband or a crack addict to drown her three-year-old in the bathtub. Yes, the hitman should be arrested and prosecuted, but so should the woman who paid for it and set it in motion, irrespective of how expensive it is.
It should be a crime to pay someone to kill another human being, and it’s criminal that the president of the Southern Baptist Convention doesn’t believe so.
Excuses, excuses, excuses. Mammon, mammon, mammon. Oh Bart of little faith.
Grow up, child.
A grown man is one who stands for what is right in the eyes of the Lord, lets the chips fall where they may. He is not a faithless coward like Barber, desperately grasping for ludicrous excuse after ludicrous excuse, employing every fallacious argument he can dream up. That is not a man. That’s a boy who hasn’t put away childish things. A fairly wicked and hypocritical boy, considering he is the president of an organization that wastes billions, and himself has a net worth in the millions.
States have had laws in the past like those Barber is criticizing. The jails were not full of women.
His entire argument is fallacious. If going after providers would end abortion, as he claims, then it would be completely irrelevant whether or not there are laws on the books that held the mother accountable, since no mother would get an abortion.
He knows this. And he knows women will seek to murder babies in ways that do not involve going to a provider. Otherwise he wouldn’t be making the arguments he is making.
That said, I hope one day you can grow up enough to quit the childish trolling, post using your own screen name, and maturely debate issues like an adult.