Russell Moore “Shaking With Rage” Over Underwear Meme As He Spreads Leftist Conspiracy Theories.

In a November 3rd Christianity Today editorial, Editor-in-Chief Russell Moore claimed that “Some Evangelicals are endorsing violence.” Moore’s only piece of inspiration for the editorial was a popular conservative meme that mocked the establishment media’s bungling of the recent Paul Pelosi assault. 

Initial reports from left-wing media sources, which have since been retracted, alleged that Paul Pelosi answered the door in his underwear, telling police officers that responded to a 911 call, “everything’s good”, before he was assaulted with a hammer by alleged assailant David DePape, who was alleged by the same left-wing media sources to be a Trump supporter. Russell Moore jumped on the leftwing conspiracy train, pedalling the conspiracy that David DePape was a crazed conservative driven by right-wing conspiracy theories.

“Keep in mind what we have witnessed this week: A man with a history of following conspiracy theories—including 2020 election denial—broke into the San Francisco home of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, took a hammer, and beat the Speaker’s husband until he needed critical surgery. Police report that the man went through the house, yelling “Where’s Nancy?” The language is a direct echo of screams from insurrectionists on January 6, who swarmed outside the Speaker’s office after attacking and ransacking the Capitol.”

In reality, DePape is a “42-year-old nudist living in a Berkeley hippie commune that flies gay flags and banners supporting Black Lives Matter”, and Russell Moore is the one pedalling January 6th insurrectionist conspiracy theories. Moore claims that conservative evangelicals have an issue with the truth, but Moore himself clearly is no friend of the concept. He continues this line of accusation, making an effort to cast conservatives who oppose the unbiblical teaching of Critical Race Theory in churches as equivalent to conspiracy theorists.

“Where does much of this violence or the threat of it come from? Lies. The idea that the election was stolen by a vast conspiracy of liberals is a lie. That elected officials are part of a secret cabal to drink the blood of babies is a lie. That Jews are pulling the strings of the “globalist” order is a lie. That the federal government designed COVID-19 as a hoax is a lie. That your pastor is a “cultural Marxist” for preaching what the Bible teaches on race and justice is a lie.”

Russell Moore wants conservatives to believe that critical theory is Biblical teaching. Moore is admired by the leftist Liberation theologians who pedal CRT. While he is seething about January 6th and calling conservatives “conspiracy theorists” for opposing cultural Marxists, Moore is partnering with the cultural Marxists who want to deconstruct evangelicalism.

He can keep his rage and his shakes.

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4 thoughts on “Russell Moore “Shaking With Rage” Over Underwear Meme As He Spreads Leftist Conspiracy Theories.

  1. With Russell Moore, I take the attitude that whatever he’s saying, just like the mainstream media, you need to do or think just the opposite for the truth to be told. He’s a Global Marist just playing his little part in the Global Cabal that will usher in the tribulation period (Revelation 13) underGod’s sovereign mandate.

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