Mark Driscoll Suspended From TikTok For The Usual Reason

After going radio silent for years, Mark Driscoll continues to dip his toe into Christian culture to see if Evangelicalism’s memory is as short as he suspects in order to wedge his way back into the conversation, announcing on Twitter that he’s been suspended from TikTok after allegedly saying ‘Men can’t have babies.”

Driscoll gained attention this year in a big way, appearing in several articles outlining a renewed pattern of bullying and abusive behavior, along with a complete repudiation of biblical elders and any sense of accountability, which can be seen at the links below:

Nearly 40 Former Mars Hill Elders Issue New Statement: Mark Driscoll is ‘Unfit’ and ‘Unrepentant’.
Mark Driscoll Lies About Where His Bible Came From
Cultish Bullying! Mark Driscoll Hired 24/7 Surveillance on Congregant + More Abusive Behavior
Mark Driscoll Church Structure Leak Confirms our Suspicions + Woman Protests His Church
News Station Investigating Mark Driscol Puts Fox in Charge of the Henhouse
Mark Driscoll Shuns Elders and Accountability at New Church
Wayne Grudem, Mark Driscoll, Michael Brown Sign Joint Statement Affirming False Prophets

Even though Driscoll is a dead-eyed control freak with lupine smirk, we don’t wish this Tiktok suspension on anyone.

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3 thoughts on “Mark Driscoll Suspended From TikTok For The Usual Reason

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  2. Anyone, including Mark Driscoll, who claims they are receiving extra-biblical visions from God that are of a pornographic nature — such as Driscoll has, is not a Christian. God is not the author of sin, nor does He promote sin. To say otherwise is blasphemy. Again, Mark Driscoll is not a Christian, therefore, anything else he did or does is nothing more than the world being the world.

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