Tulsa Megachurch Oversees 26,790 Remote, Self-Administered Baptisms on Sunday

Pastor Michael Todd leads Transformation Church (TC) He is known for crowd surfing during his church’s worship service and spending a lot of money. In the last two years, he’s given away $3,500,000 in houses, cash, and cars, spent $65,000 to buy 168 pairs of shoes, gave $600,000 in “reparations,” and purchased $66,000,000 in real estate.

He’s also known for preaching some good old-fashioned Modalism, giving the world perhaps the grossest illustration in church after he snorted and then hocked a loogie full of spit and snot into his hand and rubbed it in another man’s face and claiming his church had 75k salvations in the last 18 months even though practically none of them stuck around.

However, as one of the fastest growing churches in America, TC is unique in that they engage in idiosyncratic behaviors that other churches simply don’t do. Chief among them: ‘Flood Sunday.’

Flood Sunday is the name they call the weekend where they baptize folk, preferring to do it all in one go, also something not typically done. In 2018, TC baptized 250 people on Flood Sunday. In 2019, they baptized 444. 2020 was shuttered for the pandemic, but the following year, in 2021, they claimed 26,790 baptisms with participants from 81 countries.

How’d they do it? Because Todd called for a mass self-baptism. The pastor encouraged people all across the globe to get baptized at the same time, with he and his church overseeing the event. Rather than get baptized in their churches, by their elders, with their church family looking on, Todd encouraged anyone wanting to be baptized to grab a lake, a pool, a pond, or a bathtub, with whatever friends or family they could muster to witness. The church encouraged anyone wanting to get baptized to register with them and text them a number to receive their baptism kit, which includes a prayer sheet and a baptism certificate from Transformation Church, which also gave them the ability to track the willing.

Then, while everyone around the world was listening live, Todd led them in bit of easy-believeism:

“You cannot be baptized without being saved. And right now, we’re going to take care of this moment. So if you want to accept Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, I want you to say this short prayer with me. And if anybody’s watching family and friends, and you came to this watch, and you want to make Jesus your personal Lord and Savior right now is your moment too. This doesn’t mean you have to be perfect. This means that you have the perfect one walking with you. And today, I want to lead you into salvation.

Say this prayer with me, say: “God, thank you for sending Jesus just for me. Today, I need a savior, and I choose you. I believe you lived, you died , and you rose again, just for me. So today, I give you my life fully and completely. Change me. Renew me. Transform me. I’m yours. In Jesus name, amen.”

If you just prayed that prayer, heaven is turning up right now. I am so excited because your name is written in the Lamb’s book of life, and your eternal salvation is secure. God has such a big plan for your life.

Nothing about sin or repentance. He continues, orchestrating the event as a mass activity.

Welcome to baptism time. It is Flood Sunday, and I’m excited for what’s about to happen for you. Now I got one question for you. Are you in the water yet? Now if you ain’t in the water, why you ain’t in the water? I told you in video two to get into the water. Get in the water, because you’re about to get baptized.

…(I believe) as you get baptized, that there is going to be a wave that happens all over the world. Because as we speak today, 10s of 1000s of people are getting baptized. Over 20,000 people registered to get baptized. Today, you’re doing something in unity. Do you know how the Kingdom is roaring right now, because of what is happening, and you are the most important person, a part of this moment.”

…Congratulations again, you did it, you got baptized with 10s of 1000s of other people. Maybe we broke a world record or something.”

And then comes the fruit, in the combox of the baptism video on the church’s YouTube channel:

Rotten, aint it?

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1 thought on “Tulsa Megachurch Oversees 26,790 Remote, Self-Administered Baptisms on Sunday

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