SBC Prez. Bart Barber Retweets Unsubstantiated Allegation against Mary Sills

Jae C. Hong / AP

(Capstone Report) Eric Geiger claimed on social media that Mary Sills threatened Jennifer Lyell and that Mrs. Sills knew of the (abusive) relationship between Lyell and David Sills.

Mary Sills denies Eric Geiger’s allegation.

In the rush to virtue signal support for Jennifer Lyell, SBC pastor Eric Geiger made a public allegation against Mary Sills, wife of David Sills. Geiger alleged that Mary Sills threatened Jennifer Lyell in text messages and that Mrs. Sills knew of the relationship between Jennifer Lyell and David Sills. Then newly elected SBC President Bart Barber retweeted Geiger’s statement, which compounded the reach of this explosive and now public allegation.

You’ll note this part contains the public accusation against Mrs. Sills, “After Sills departed from Southern Seminary, Jennifer showed me correspondence from Sills’ wife that reinforced all she had shared with me, including text messages with a threatening tone and indications she had known of the sexual encounters.”

And of course, making sure to join the virtue signaling was Bart Barber.

Barber retweeted this now public allegation. Barber’s position…to continue reading, click here

Editor’s Note. This article was written and published at the Capstone Report

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