ERLC President Draws Cheers, Clapping For Saying the SBC Will Not Support Punishing Women Who Kill Their Babies

The Southern Baptist Convention’s ERLC really HATES abortion abolition. They despise everything about it- from the demands that abortion is made illegal without exception, to the insistence that all persons receive equal justice under the law, to the suggestion that women who take their babies to an abortionist ghoul in order to receive the sanitized equivalent of three swift kicks to their soft skulls and then a curb stomp to squish the brains out, really are murderers.
Their denial of this base reality is nauseating, as is their insistence that women who pay their boyfriends to drown their three-year-olds should be punished, but women who pay their abortion doctors to drown their three months old in their own blood should never, ever be punished or even entertain the hint of some form of consequence.
“It’s the abortion doctor, he’s the guilty one. The women who drove over and paid him to snip the spine, spin their brains, and then vacuum out the blood and bones? They might have a bit of moral culpability, maybe a smidge, but certainly no legal culpability. God forbid!”
During the 2022 annual meeting, not only did newly elected SBC President Bart Barber and the Resolution Committee squash a true resolution to abolish abortion in committee and instead replaced it with a watered-down one that does not treat abortion as murder but instead is rife with wishy-washy sentiments while praising the ERLC- the same ERLC that helped to stop a legislative bill in Louisiana that would have abolished abortion completely.
Even a cursory examination of the two resolutions will show just how shallow and soft the SBC has become. The fact that their resolution was adopted over the abolitionist one is a damning indictment against them.
In response to the passing of the resolution, ERLC president Brent Leatherwood was happy as can be, telling the messengers:
Here’s the reality. You’re not going to get me to say that I want to throw mothers behind bars. That’s not the view of this entity. That is not the view of this convention. It is not the view of the pro-life movement. That was proven yet again today.
I believe the same principles that Jesus used in John 4 and John 8 apply right here. Maybe instead of rushing in like a mob, we instead rush in with the truth given to us by the author of life showing we are able to bear the burdens of others and offer the healing that comes with grace, just as has been poured out for us.
h/t Dissenter
Ethically and Religiously Liberal Commission.
“You’re not going to get me to say that I want to throw mothers behind bars. That’s not the view of this entity”
– ah yes, let’s not jail “mothers” who have no living children because they’ve murdered all of them. It’s amazing what has become of the SBC in so short a time.
By his “logic” nobody should ever be punished for any crime at all, lest God’s healing and grace not be available to them.
Where is that scripture?