As Rick Warren Announces Successor, New Pastrix, JD Greear Praises Him for ‘Faithful’ Example

Rick Warren, the Lead pastor, and overseer of the 25,000 members, 14 campus Saddleback Church has announced his retirement and has appointed his successor- a husband and wife team who will both serve as pastors in the church.
Warren has recently seen a resurgence from discernment ministries after a few years on the outs. He is famous for peddling to the church the poison and spiritual strychnine that is The Purpose Driven Life for over four decades- a damaging and unbiblical theology that has seeped into tens of thousands of churches, becoming part of their identity.
Over the last few he raise eyebrows for announcing they were having a “Blacks Only worship service” where no white members were allowed in, so the “black fold” could have a “safe space” to “heal,” for blasting white Christians for having no discernment and not caring about black people and for announcing they were starting to ordain women pastrixes, despite being a part of the SBC.

In a video message, Rick Warren announced that they appointed Andy Wood to be lead pastor. He is a graduate of Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and has worked SBC’s North American Mission Board. He is currently the pastor of Echo Church in San Jose, California, a congregation of about 3000 people and his Stacie is also a teaching pastor at Echo Church, and will continue in that role at her new church.
To the announcement that the notorious Warren is stepping down and appointing a pastor and a pastrix to lead, former SBC president and Summit Church Pastor J.D. Greear offered his congratulations and lifted up Warren as a model for all Christians to emulate, saying that he had “faithfully run this race in front of all of us.”

It’s a terrible and shameful take, but given that J.D. Greear has no clue what it means to be faithful, we are not surprised.
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