Todd Bentley Performs ‘Miracle’ in Voice of Irish Pirate at Ohio Revival

Charismatic “prophet” Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr. Michael Brown has ever bothered to condemn (and that only slightly), is up to no good again—the result of a string of angelic encounters and personal visions from Jesus who gave him a new 25-year ministry mandate.
We have written extensively about Todd, chronicling his malfeasance from lauded anointed revivalist and miracle worker, to drunkard, adulterer, liar, and sheep-fleecer extraordinaire, all the while being lifted up by a cadre of ne’er-do-wells as a great and supernaturally gifted man of God.
Bentley, you will recall, went relatively radio silent in 2019, a year after being newly accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. A “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched and they found that Bentley was guilty—a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway.
Despite these findings, Bentley was able to maintain a high level of ministry support, with the revelation of decades of grossly immoral behavior being viewed as “just a scratch” to his reputation. This should surprise no one, however, as charismatics and NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior of their leaders, and this case has sadly proved to be no different.
With an angel-filled, gospel-less message, Bentley has been putting on healing crusades up and down the East coast, claiming to be performing miracle after miracle after miracle, with Saturday evening service geared at removing metal rods and plates in people’s bodies.

During the service, people are “slain in the spirit” while Bentley does his schtick, twirling around, telling the congregation that the angels are everywhere, pointing them out left and right. “I’m burning up right now,” says Bentley, preparing to go spiritually “super-sayan,” and “man, my whole body’s on fire!”
He approaches a man who had some metal plates put into his ankle as a result of a skateboarding accident in his youth, resulting in pain and swelling, and tells him, his voice sounding like that of an Irish pirate in the last 10 seconds of the clip:
(You) look drunk a little bit to be honest, in the Holy Ghost by the way. My whole hand is on fire right now by the way. Look at it—you can see my hand—it’s tingling right now. This is the gift of healing. Oral Roberts would have the gift of healing, come he’d feel it in his shoulder or go all the way into his hand.
That happens to me only when the angel comes, and there’s burning here right now. You see it’s increasing. I don’t even have to touch him. You see whoever I get around, the angels start doing stuff. God’s doing this not us. So God, may he be released into a realm of creative miracles and visions of God, and know how to work with the miracle angels.
Boom! And take out the metal all the way. Never let it swell up again and let it never let it be in pain again, in Jesus name.
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Todds god is called satan! So much blasphemy going on in his ‘revival’