San Diego Church Co-Pastor is also an Active Porn Star

Living Faith Church in San Diego seems like a normal church. It has an orthodox statement of faith:

A run of the mill seeker-sensitive “vision and mission” statement:

And a pastor and wife team who look normal-ish enough

Check out their Church Facebook page. You would never know anything is amiss.
There’s only one problem: She is a practicing porn star.

Living Faith Church in San Diego has existed for some time, operating since at least November of 2020. Led by ‘Pastors’ Stephen and Angela Dela Cruz, they have a full band that sings regular praise and worship songs, have tithes and offerings, serve communion, have altar calls, and preach sermons each Sunday with bible verses sprinkled throughout, frequently urging members to go out into the world and preach the gospel of Jesus Christ
Now, they are announcing that they are coming out in a big way, having completed their “Beta” for the last few months and launching it officially to all members of the public, using the fact that she is a porn star as a hook to get potential congregants interested, promoting them to “peek behind the curtain” of their plant.

The couple met each other and started dating in Bible college, with one bio explaining “They are both ordained ministers who put God as the foundation for everything they do. Stephen, who also advertises himself as a Hypnotist was also an Associate Pastor/Youth Pastor at the Message of Peace International Church from 2009-2010.
Amid the sermon titles like “hearing God through people,” “prophetic Proclamation,” and “Mastering Money” there are unconventional sermon titles like “Doggy Style” God’s Big Butttt!” and “Do you, Boo” the latter which is featured below and shows their whole service.
Their YouTube channel, which features their church services, bible studies, and inspirational messages, also features videos of their pastrix visiting “Exxxotica Chicago 2021” Adult Entertainment expo.
Angela Dela Cruz’s operates under a stage name, and her content is about as filthy as it comes, as she regularly posts nude photos and videos of herself, doing everything that a porn star would do in order to get attention and money.
We were unable to find any explanation in their sermons or any interviews where these grifters explain their theological justification for this sexually deviant and blasphemous abuse of God’s grace, other than these words by ‘Pastor’ Dela Cruz:
My wife and I are the biggest sinners out there and we wanted to create a Christian spirit-filled church that accepts us for our sins, flaws, and who we are. So our slogan is ‘a church for sinners by sinners.’
These two “pastors” are sinners that are both lost and going to hell, and they need God to save them to rescue them from his righteous wrath and fiery expectation of judgment.
They are missing the big stage, colored lights, darkened room, and fog machine like CCV in metro phnx area!
Sinners don’t celebrate their sins and live in them. They strive to mortify the flesh and are torn when they sin. SMH.
Maybe she has some sermons she can to send to Ed Litton to use.
“go and keep sinning” – Not John 8:11
Is it bad that I’m not surprised by this? We’re living in some seriously evil times.
It’s like the 1st and 2nd Reformations never happen. What a shame the church of Jesus Christ has turned into. Do it yourself church is the norm, and I doubt the Lord is pleased, not pleased at all.
I would normally recommend a Matt 18 for these two “pastors” or whatever they are, but I’m thinking no one in this church would know what I’m talking about. Plus it would just be a waste of time.
“What a shame the church of Jesus Christ has turned into.” [Uh, no. Don’t confuse the visible church with the Church bought by the blood of Christ. At the appointed time, the sheep and the goats will be set on His right hand and His left; those on the left will depart into eternal punishment while those on His right will inherit His eternal Kingdom.]
I wasn’t confusing the two, but I suppose I could have been a bit more clear. Yes, the LORD has preserved His 7000.
It’s just coming out in the open. I’ve been seeing things like this in churches are over, it’s just usually just not advertised openly, and covered up. Since by and large what is “church” – those saved and who are the temple of the Holy Spirit, is redefined as something else and man made, this must result in this type of thing. It also isn’t new – is the inquisitions and murders of the RCC in the middle ages really a lesser thing? The thing changing is the idea that men are basically good. Is that idea men are basically good really biblical? Not in the least.
Go away, lying dumbass.
Why do you employ such overtly profane language?
James 1:26 If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man’s religion is worthless.
Matthew Henry: “The man who has a detracting tongue cannot have a truly humble gracious heart. He who delights to injure his neighbor in vain pretends to love God; therefore a reviling tongue will prove a man a hypocrite. Censuring is a pleasing sin, extremely compliant with nature, and therefore evinces a man’s being in a natural state. These sins of the tongue were the great sins of that age in which James wrote (as other parts of this epistle fully show); and it is a strong sign of a vain religion to be carried away with the evil of the times. This has ever been a leading sin with hypocrites, that the more ambitious they have been to seem well themselves the more free they have been in censuring and running down others; and there is such quick intercourse between the tongue and the heart that the one may be known by the other. On these accounts it is that the apostle has made an ungoverned tongue an undoubted certain proof of a vain religion. There is no strength nor power in that religion which will not enable a man to bridle his tongue.”
Christy Love
What’s her stage name…. Want to check her films out lol
la verdad se la dira el diablo cuando la tenga físicamente te enfrente….En el infierno…
A lot of ignorant, naïve and judgmental people in the comments living in glass houses throwing rocks to stone another person to death for their sins which is the exact opposite of what Jesus taught. It’s easy to self righteous pretentious Christians who don’t do anything to actually improve the world every open-minded person walking this earth has to share with uniformed hypocrites.