Antifa Attacks Street Preachers: Smashes Skateboard in Face

A group of street preachers* were attacked by a crowd of hostile protesters and Antifa agents, leaving at least one man bloodied and their property utterly destroyed in an act of intolerance and fascism that demonstrates the brazen hostility of the far-left movement.

The attacks took place neat the Wi Spa Saturday morning, where hundreds gathered in protest and counter-protest the storied salon after earlier in the week a woman’s Instagram went viral after she complained about a naked man walking through the span and in the changeroom. She was seen on video asking the attendant behind the counter “It’s ok for a man to go into the women’s section, show his penis around the other women- young little girls, underage? Wi Spa condones that- is that what you’re saying?” The attendant at Wi Spa confirmed that they did support it, on account of “transgender rights.”

As a result, hundreds came out to show support for the spa, announcing to the world that they support sexual perversities being foisted upon young girls by creepy mentally deranged men.

These psychopaths encountered the street preachers, screaming at them, cursing at them, and then stealing and breaking their signs, feeling completely justified in their behavior. They further began pushing, shoving, punching and smashing eggs on their heads.

A man in an ‘Obey Jesus’ shirt pushed one of the women screaming and chasing away the preachers and their supporters, and he was quickly attacked by the crowd, with one degenerate smashing a skateboard in his face, leaving a gash in his forehead and blood pouring down his face. He was further kicked and beat until he was able to get behind a police officer, who finally arrived on the scene.

*We are aware of the highly problematic theology of men and women in these groups.

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35 thoughts on “Antifa Attacks Street Preachers: Smashes Skateboard in Face

    1. Thank you for your comment. Could you explain that a little more? Where are they wrong in their doctrine? Just curious since I don’t know personally.

  1. Time to start executing antifa members in broad daylight. What are we afraid of? They are asking for it. Just kill them.

    1. Short, Sweet & Concise. Well put Ben, I concur wholeheartedly. If we don’t start taking out the trash with bullets, we may eventually need larger mechanisms to move out larger groups of trash. I would love to see and RPG land right in the middle of a group of ANTIFA morons.

      1. Son, the vast majority of the men who stormed those beaches on D-Day were conservative Christians, who also recognized the fact that what God calls an abomination, is in fact an abomination.

        You have nothing in common with them.

        1. And that was the other Ben (me).

          I’d add, Johnny, my Grandfather was one of those men storming those beaches. Wounded in battle. He was a conservative Christian. And I can tell you what he probably would’ve done to a naked man in the women’s room, especially if his wife or daughters were in there. He likely would’ve yanked him out and thrown him naked into the street.

      2. Antifa is oxymoronic, of course. A clear and present danger to the Republic that needs to be rubbed out permanently.

      3. While your comments regularly portray you as a godless, morally and intellectually retarded individual, this one declares you’re a few notches below. Noted.

    2. From the other Ben. Cold-blooded murder is not the answer. Though their ultimate goal is the eradication of any who refuse to put them in God’s place. Not being content with the existence of any who do not fall in line with their ideology, sooner or later that will lead them across a line, and at that point fighting back would be a matter of self defense – which they would be wise to remember. But the Lord is longsuffering, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance – 2 Pet. 3:9. We must be also.

      1. From the other Ben. It’s a troll. I just posted yesterday, so it’s not like he couldn’t know he was posting using someone else’s name. Probably someone who took offense to something I posted. Probably Johnny or one of his buddies.

        No Christian would call for cold-blooded murder/execution of anyone (war and capital punishment after trial being different matters). But for you to try to demonize and delegitimize JD Hall and his ministry (as you posted below) because of what some troll posted, is to bear false witness. That is just as bad.

      2. The Bible tells us how to deal with this particular problem. We are to turn away (2 Tim. 3:5). And they are to be removed from the church (1 Cor. 5).

        1 Cor. 5:10-11 are interesting. The scripture describes a limit that was reached. They had dealt with the sexual immoral in public so as to “not go out of the world” – i.e., in order to survive, but once that limit was reached it was time to have nothing to do with them. The account of Sodom and Gomorrah describes the same. Once a limit is reached, then it is time to turn away. God basically said “enough!” Most of us are aware we have now reached that limit.

        But that is how we should deal with it. As to whether or not they will continue to push and attack, forceably imposing their will, trying to force us to fall in line, and what may or may not result from their actions, that is a different story. But that is up to them. They can choose to live and let live, leaving Christians alone to live in a manner honoring to God, or they can push it to the point where they may be sorry they did.

    3. As a White Nationalist, I agree. I look forward to the day these Commies and leftists start eating 7.62×39.

  2. Get the picture, wingnuts? Nobody likes you. Take your vax, wear your mask, stop the hate and stand with 🇺🇸🇮🇱🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈

    1. Johnny, are you high again? Why would any Christ-follower possibly want to “stand with” sexual deviancy God Himself so succinctly condemns?
      Go back to the gay porn sites and leave adult discussions concerning the Christian faith to those who actually possess it.

  3. Only FASCIST and COMMUNIST attack religious freedom so ANTIFA are actually the Fascist. Other utter hypocrisy on display in this clip is how the FASCIST Antifa mob went after the group exercising their First Amendment rights violently grabbed the sign being held by an older WOMAN, one even aggressively comes after her and when the older man pushes her/it away the fascist Antifa mob comes after him for using a woman. The police were useless, they were there to provide cover for the antifa mob and I bet made no arrest for assault. This antifa mob is a domestic terrorist arm of our unelected government and is determined to either silence us or eliminate us.

  4. Only FASCIST and COMMUNIST attack religious freedom so ANTIFA are actually the Fascist. Other utter hypocrisy on display in this clip is how the FASCIST Antifa mob went after the group exercising their First Amendment rights, violently grabbed the sign being held by an older WOMAN, one even aggressively comes after her and when the older man pushes her/it away the fascist Antifa mob comes after him for pushing a woman. The police were useless, they were there to provide cover for the antifa mob and I bet made no arrest for assault. This antifa mob is a domestic terrorist arm of our unelected government and is determined to either silence us or eliminate us.

    1. Yes, they attack religious freedom because Christians refuse to put them in God’s place. We worship and serve a higher power. And they want His power and place. We all need to recognize that fascism and communism are not mutually exclusive, particularly where the pursuit is concerned, beyond the unreachable ideological ends. It is not only possible for communists/marxists to use fascist tactics, 99.999% of the time, as history shows, such tactics are their modus operandi. The notion that the two are mutually exclusive opposites is nothing but their narrative – it is not the truth.

      Since they can’t immediately eradicate Christianity, though that is their goal, they seek to change it, watering it down and removing the parts that they do not like. Nazi Germany created the “Positive Christianity” cult. Maoist China has Three-Self, and state-controlled Catholic. Soviet Russia had Russian Orthodox. Etc. And now we see the same thing happening here. Once they have brainwashed people into rejecting parts of God’s Word, it’s just one small step further to brainwash people into rejecting it in its entirety.

  5. Everyone here is trying to solve this problem with their own human wisdom. You have forgotten that we wrestle not against flesh and blood put the warring powers of darkness. This is not our battle. The battle belongs to the Lord. So what can you do. You can do the one thing Antifa and the spirit behind it is most afraid of: Prayer. Saints of God coming together praying for the Lord Jesus to break the power of the enemy. My church is encouraging other churches to pray against Antifa. Pray that those possessed by demons will be delivered. Pray that they will be delivered from homosexuality. Pray that God will break the power behind Antifa. Pray that those In Antifa who are persecuting Christians will have a Paul like Damascus experience and become on fire for Jesus. Pray to bind the spirit of this in Jesus name. We ARE going to win. Jesus will be glorified. Antifa will fall and be defeated by the power of God.

  6. Major fail on the part of the LAPD. I personally know all or nearly all of the preachers involved. I was unable to be there due to my medical condition and situation. Several years ago someone from or a fellow traveller of Antifa knocked out a street preacher in Portland, Oregon so this is not the first instance of Antifa violence against street preachers.

    1. Johnny, you’ve forced me to report me to your mother again for arguing with adults.

  7. lol, clearly you have zero understanding, knowledge or wisdom about God. Go learn something, nitwit.

  8. Antifa is the single most fascist organization on the earth today, despite their lies about being “anti-fascist”. They attack anyone and everything that does not support their godless, evil Marxism, an ideology literally created by a man who was demon-possessed. Marxism has caused the deaths of somewhere in the neighborhood of 400,000,000 innocent men, women, and children in the hundred-ish years it’s been around.

    None of these things should surprise any of us; after all, a MAN just won Ms. Nevada and is going to the Ms. Universe pageant which will crown him the winner because it’ll be a ‘stunning and brave’ thing to do.

    This world is doomed. Do not fight for it; fight to win souls for Jesus Christ.

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