A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Four

The forty-fourth album in an ongoing series documenting faithful churches gathering for Sunday service in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic. With some churches still not gathering in-person in these dark times, others being persecuted by the government for being open, and others ending services for the rest of the year, these are the congregations who are meeting faithfully at the command of Scripture (Heb. 10:25).

For previous albums: 

Album #1  Album #2  Album #3  Album #4  Album #5  Album #6  Album #7  Album #8  Album #9  Album #10  Album #11  Album #12  Album #13  
Album #14  Album #15  Album #16  Album#17  Album# 18 Album #19  
Album #20  Album #21 Album #22  Album #23 Album #24 Album #25
Album #26 Album #27 Album #28 Album #29 Album #30 Album #31 Album #32 Album #33 Album #34 Album #35 Album #36 Album #37 Album #38 Album #39 Album #40 Album #41 Album #42 Album #43

These churches are preaching outside, are back in their buildings having in-person services, or are having drive-through services.

All are being safe. All are being obedient to the scriptures. All are loving their neighbors.

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8 thoughts on “A Gallery Of The Faithful Gathering For Church Amid Pandemic – Album Forty Four

  1. Get those stupid masks off ! ! What are you people thinking ?????? You have obviously believed the lie the synagogue of satan and his medical mafia have told you. Wake up, who hath bewitched you, professing Christian !!!!!! ???????????

  2. If you are wearing a stupid mask then that means you “staff writer”…………If Caesar tells you to stand on your head or you will be fined or imprisoned then i suppose you would do that too would you ? Ridiculous !

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