Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s Friends say ‘He Will NOT Start His Own Church’ – They Mustn’t Know Him Well

A friend whose identity has been confirmed and authenticated by People Magazine says that Carl Lentz is “not working and plans to take time away from the church to work on his marriage. He has no plans to open a church or seek fame at this time...He never planned to leave his marriage nor said he would do so. He has led the church and his parishioners for more than 20 years and takes his duties extremely seriously and has never shared confidential information about parishioners.”

According to reports, the couple, who are parents to three youngish children, are going through intense therapy after Carl chased and pursued another woman in a bid to scratch his fleshly desire. It worked. He dragged his fingers bloody through that one and lost his church and his reputation in the process.

The telling words from the friend, however, are “away from church” and “at this time.”

First, the idea of being caught in sin and then selling all you own and running away across the country is completely foreign to the scriptures. We are not privy to what steps Hillsong took, but we have some good indication based on their actions and their silence. Rather than just firing him and sending him on his way, Matthew 18 should have been implemented for the purposes of restoration.

The biblical, Christian response from Lentz should have been to stay within that community and be disciplined and discipled by its elders and co-laborers. It should involve the church body supporting his family as he seeks biblical counseling for the restoration of his and his wife’s marriage. This is because that couple needs both the church and the grace of God to fix their marriage. Hillsong should have done all they could to make that happen.

Instead, Lentz sold his home for 1.5 million dollars, moved across the country mere weeks after the revelations of his infidelity came out, and is now living in California renting a $16,000 a month manhattan beach home, and plans on staying away from church for a while, with Hillsong saying nothing further about it.

That’s a bad plan.

And because it’s a bad plan, it means he will only be able to keep his manicured fingernails off that itch for the better part of the year before he will announce he is starting a new church so that he can scratch the hell out of it.

That church will be called “Freedom Church” or “Second Chance Church” and after he is restored by T.D. Jakes or another one of his friends, he’ll leverage his infamy, stock the place up with young millennials, and take the stage and begin preaching the same mix of sugary fusion of wokeism and name-it-and-claim-it theological delicatessens. If we had to guess, by the end of 2021 he’ll have over 500 attendees and the hippest ethos around.

Another outside possibility is that he will join one of his friend’s churches as an attendee and within a few months will be brought on as a pastor. There he’ll spend a couple of years before he heads off on his own and starts his own church, with said given names and personality.

Mark it down and chisel it in stone. It’s going to happen. Given all we know about this whole wretched situation, how could it be otherwise?

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1 thought on “Disgraced Pastor Carl Lentz’s Friends say ‘He Will NOT Start His Own Church’ – They Mustn’t Know Him Well

  1. Lentz hinted that he and his wife will attempt to work through his infidelity, writing that he is focusing on ‘rebuilding trust’ with her and their children.

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