Methodist Pastor Says He Didn’t Preach About Jesus On Christmas Eve, So As Not to Offend His Local Synagogue
St. Paul & St. Andrew is an “affirming & celebrating Church of radical welcome on NYC’s Upper West Side, where all are valued because of who they are and the talents, gifts and energy they bring.”
Led by Rev. Dr. K Karpem and Rev. Lea Matthews, they are a loud and proud United Methodist Church whose progressive values are “reflected in our advocacy for LGBTQ+ inclusion, racial equality, and environmental stewardship.” We last wrote about this church after their youth pastor cited her astrological sign for why she loves having enemies she doesn’t pray for.
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During a recent sermon, impastor Karpem explained that the local synagogue suffered terrible structural damage to their ceiling several years ago and that he let them use their space for their religious services as a gesture of goodwill and friendship.
One year, when Christmas Eve fell on a Friday, he had the idea of having their congregation attend the Jewish Kabbalat Shabbat service, and they, in turn, would attend his church service. The cowardly and heretical Karpem states, however, that he didn’t want to offend them by talking about Jesus, so he instead preached on the angels, without ever mentioning the Lord of Glory, a move he would later defend.
h/t to Unashamed of Jesus on YouTube for the vid and initial commentary. Check him out!