Dr. Anthony Bradley Justifies His Parent’s Racism Towards “Untrustworthy” White Evangelicals

Dr. Anthony Bradley is a research fellow at The Acton Institute and a Research Professor of Interdisciplinary and Theological Studies at Kuyper College. Before this, he was the professor of religious studies and director of the Center for the Study of Human Flourishing at The King’s College, as well as the Theologian-In-Residence at Redeemer Presbyterian Church—Lincoln Square, the late Tim Keller’s church.
He is also the author of several books, including Liberating Black Theology (2010), Black and Tired (2011), The Political Economy of Liberation (2012), Black Scholars In White Space (2015), Something Seems Strange (2016), Ending Overcriminalization and Mass Incarceration (2018), Faith In Society (2019), Why Black Lives Matter (2020), and Heroic Fraternities (2023).
We previously wrote about him after, while in conversation with him, Tim Keller argued that missionaries raising their own funds is “systemic racism,” and in our post “Cominterns Capitalize on Race to Invade and Corrupt “White Spaces,” where we profiled Bradley and noted that there is perhaps no better example of a Social Justice slave on the Woke Plantation than Bradley, who almost daily espouses the tenets of Critical Theory (derived from the Frankfurt School of Cultural Marxism).
This is because Anthony Bradley is one of the most vocal proponents of Liberation Theology and Critical Theory in evangelicalism. You can see him teach Critical Theory and Black Liberation Theology here, where he promotes the unique vocabulary of the Critical Theory lexicon, including “white privilege” and “white fragility.” He assumes that “systemic injustice” is a verifiable fact and, furthermore, that it is caused exclusively by white people and white men in particular.
In a recent X post, Bradley shared a video of James Baldwin explaining how he can’t afford to trust white Christians and offers that his parents feel the same and, as a result, won’t join a predominantly white church. Brandley defends this indefensible posture of racism and sin by offering the rhetorical, “Why trust them now?”
Bradley suggests that there is still no reason to trust white folk and that these justifications are still valid in 2025, as opposed to 50 or 60 years ago.

Commenting on the issue, SBC pastor Jared Moore offers:
This is simply racism from Anthony Bradley. I had a church member who was racist towards Cubans and folks who looked like them. One time, he was holding a car antenna, and he told me he could take out ten or twelve of them with that antenna. Why such animosity? He grew up in Florida. His family had a business, and his community changed due to the Cuban gangs that moved into the community. His family lost their business as a result and had to move from their home due to the threat.
Following Bradley’s logic, I should have told this man that I understand why he felt that way. That it was justified because of his “lived experience.” But I told him he was being racist, holding innocent people accountable for the sins of others. He was judging people based on the color of their skin. It was partiality. He was shocked. He had never considered that he was being racist.
He repented. Bradley should too.
Just salty because he knows he will never have an IQ above 60.