Hannah-Kate Williams, Who is Suing the SBC, Accused Of Being Cancer-Faking Fraud, Financial Abuser by Close Confidant

Hannah-Kate Williams has been accused of faking her cancer and financially abusing her close friend and confidant, with the latter alleging that she was taken advantage of for years and then cast aside when she insisted on a modicum of accountability.

Williams is a name that frequently pops up when questions about sexual abuse in the SBC arises. She contends that her father sexually, physically, and psychologically abused her from the ages of 5-16. She says she reported that abuse at the age of 8 to SBC church staff, but they did nothing other than telling her “I’m praying for you.” She has also made a series of allegations against him as an adult, but law enforcement so far have expressed no interest in pursuing her claims, on account of a questionable credibility.

Williams was also the woman at the center of the Mike Stone SBC 2021 Convention controversy. She famously confronted the presidential nominee on the convention floor where they had a brief discussion that ended with Williams in tears, citing him as saying she was bad for the convention. This quickly made the rounds, Stone issued a statement of denial, but it’s a reasonable bet that this had a very adverse effect on Stones’ numbers and, causing him to lose against serial plagiarizer and sermon stealer Ed Litton.

Frequently see haranguing passersby outside the SBC General conference about abuse and coverup within the denomination, she has filed suit against a plethora of entities and personalities, including Lifeway, the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Mike Stone, Rod Martin, the SBC Executive Committee, and others, alleging that they “conspired to protect the Baptist denomination from a problem of sexual abuse of minors or other vulnerable populations” by not investigating her reports, along with painting her as a liar who has no credibility.

But now Abby Osborne, her close friend, confidant, and primary support over the last two years, has released a statement about her, and it is devastating:

I know many of Hannah-Kate’s claims to be verifiably false. It also has become evident that along with those fabrications, she manipulates those close to her in order to garner sympathy, attention, support, and control. This has particularly happened with regard to her health, her finances, and her actions in mental health courts.

Hannah-Kate lied online and to people in her life, myself included, about her health situation. While she suffered from some pain with an unclear cause, I was present when specialists told her that she did not have cancer. Derwin and Vicki Gray were also present for similar doctor’s appointments when her pathology came back clear. This is all in the text screenshots below.

Her double mastectomy was elective. She chose to pursue it due to the recurrent breast pain, and it was performed in part by a plastic surgeon. I was with her when the pathology of her removed breast tissue came back clear. She does not have and never had cancer. She was told this before she started soliciting financial help through others, myself included. All “treatments” to my knowledge have been for infections and physical manifestations of PTSD. Yet she continues to publicly ask for funds to support her medical needs. (click to enlarge)

And yet her feed, which stem from after she received word of a cancer-free diagnosis, show she was still playing that card on the regular, while requesting financial support for medical treatments?

Osborne alleges further that Williams took advantage of their financial resources. She lived with them for free for over three years, and they paid all her bills. They even took out three private “parent’ student loans for her so she could continue her education with the verbal understanding that Williams would pay them back once she got a job or received money from the settlements of her lawsuits. This never materialized.

We also put her on two of our credit cards to support her basic needs, which we were already paying for. Before long, she was using our card to make large purchases on a daily basis and outspent our income nearly every month. However, we did not feel safe setting boundaries or limits, because those often led to her expressing suicidal ideation.

Hannah-Kate has not spoken to us since the day I asked her to start making payments on the loans (one particular private lender did not have the option to defer). She had a full-time job when I made that request. She left us with about $48,000 of private student loan debt and spent approximately $120,000 on our credit cards over the span of two years, not including the housing and other regular expenses we covered. We are still making payments on these now. 

Osborne explains that about a year ago she broke ties with Williams after she perjured herself.

Finally, I want to address what happened with my brother, Chris Davis, and how I first discovered the depths of her lies. About a year ago, in September 2023, Hannah-Kate was hospitalized after Chris and his wife learned that she had attempted suicide and had not mentally stabilized. They offered for her to spend some time with their family, as I was out of town, but once she got to their house it became clear quickly that she was a danger to herself. They had her evaluated by a social worker and then by doctors at the hospital. At that point, it was determined that she met the qualifications for temporary involuntary commitment. I testified at a mental health court hearing to determine if she would be committed for a longer period, which I advocated against. She then spoke after me and lied under oath repeatedly about the situation. This came as a shock to me, because we had often discussed how serious perjury is.  

After getting out of the hospital, Hannah-Kate alleged that Chris was a dangerous agent of the Southern Baptist Convention and that he had contacted its then-president, Bart Barber, about the hospitalization. I have copies of the court documentation from this event and can confirm that no SBC leadership or entity are listed as witnesses, defendants, or petitioners. Chris also stated this to me himself.  

What I can also confirm from that documentation is that Hannah-Kate, when ordered to mandatory therapy, gave her case manager the name of an out of state spiritual coach and claimed they were a licensed therapist in the state. This coach has since shown me a document signed by Hannah-Kate stating that she was receiving coaching and that she knew it was not therapy. I will not be sharing those documents at this time, but have them on hand should the need for proof arise. 

For her part, Williams has denied everything, accusing Osborne of making it all up

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