Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast! Cominterns and Garbage Humans (A Barn-Burner of an Episode)

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 18, 2020, JD examines the Grace Community Church saga and laments that JMAC said the court’s ruling “vindicates the church” right before the ruling was overturned. Does the court now impugn the church’s decision? Then, he goes on to discuss Ed Stetzer (the garbage human) and his attempt to get Christians to vote Democrat in November, moves on to some sincere questions about Steven Anderson and Kinism, and finally discusses Albert Mohler’s “all is well in Zion” podcast on women clergy in the SBC.

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Featured News Social Justice Wars

Jim Wallis Replaced as Sojourners Editor after Pulling Controversial Catholic Article

(Religion News) The progressive Christian magazine Sojourners has replaced founder and President Jim Wallis as editor in chief and announced a new policy of editorial independence from the organization’s advocacy work.

The decision came after weeks of turmoil over Wallis’ removal of an essay criticizing white supremacists within the Catholic Church, which led two staffers of color to resign from the magazine.

Wallis, a prominent progressive theologian and activist who has also written for RNS, will continue to serve as president of the Sojourners organization, the magazine announced Friday afternoon (Aug. 14). He had served as a leader at the magazine since its founding in 1971 as the Post-American. 

Sandi Villarreal, who had been the executive editor at Sojourners, has accepted the role of editor in chief. According to the statement, she has been promised editorial independence in overseeing Sojourner’s web and print publications.

The controversial essay, written by University of California Los Angeles lecturer Eric Martin, was published in the magazine’s August print issue under the title “Harboring a Culture of Hate” and online as “The Catholic Church has a Visible White-Power Faction.” 

On July 28, following backlash from Catholic leaders, Wallis removed the article from the site, saying it “made unwarranted insinuations and allegations against many Catholics.”

In three lengthy subsequent editor’s notes, he criticized Martin’s claim that U.S. bishops voted to reject language condemning swastikas, Confederate flags and nooses in their 2018 pastoral letter against racism. In fact, he wrote, the bishops’ letter does name nooses and swastikas as a “tragic indicator of rising racial and ethnic animus.”

The article has now been restored to the site with a correction about the bishop’s letter appended above it. The publication has also committed not to remove published articles from its site.

As the controversy played out online and within the organization, two associate web editors, Dhanya Addanki and Daniel José Camacho, publicly resigned from the publication.

Addanki said that the article’s removal plus “three years of experiencing this toxic environment” as a Dalit woman and woman of color pushed her to leave.

“I’m unable to continue my role here in good conscience,” Camacho said in a public 

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Editor’s note. This article was written by Aysha Khan and published at Religion News. Title changed by Pulpit & Pen

Featured Polemics Report Polemics Terms

The PCA Goes Gay Gay Gay

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 13, 2020, JD discusses the PCA going gay and the absolution of Revoice host, Greg Johnson, and the lying and cover-up of his heresies by the Missouri Presbytery. JD then answers some sincere questions about Jesus’ righteousness and whether or not Woke Religionists should be excommunicated.

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Featured Social Justice Wars

Oprah Winfrey Hosts Race Bash Session ‘Whiteness Gives You an Advantage No Matter What’

(Breitbart) Billionaire media mogul Oprah Winfrey declared in an episode of her eponymous series, The Oprah Conversation that “whiteness” and “white privilege” afford unspecified benefits to white people in the “caste system” of America.

In an episode entitled “Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man: Part 1” — featuring former NFL linebacker Emmanuel Acho and drawing its name from Acho’s YouTube series of the same name — Oprah Winfrey invited several white people to discuss “racism,” “white privilege,” and “whiteness.” Oprah praised her white guests for accusing themselves of being “racist.”

Oprah said:

There are white people who are not as powerful as the system of white people — the caste system that’s been put in place — but they still, no matter where they are on the rung, or the ladder of success, they still have their whiteness.

[Whites have a] leg up. You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term “white privilege” is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.

“It is the fundamental issue,” declared Oprah of racial assumptions.

The Wrinkle in Time star invited Seth, a self-described Jewish man from Manhattan, New York, to describe his “awakening” to his own “racist” self.

“You’ve become ‘woke’ during this period, and realized in that awakening that you are racist, right?” asked Oprah. “I just want to know how that happened.”

Seth replied, “I was born in the 70s. I was born and raised in Manhattan. I’ve always considered myself to be liberal. Now I’m not only a friend of people of color but also an advocate for [them], but this this movement over the last month has been powerful.”

Seth indicted himself as a “racist” who is aspiring to become an “anti-racist.”

“I realized that I couldn’t be not racist,” continued Seth. “I realized that I either was a racist or an anti-racist, and I wasn’t — I’m not — an anti-racist.”

Lisa, a Minnesotan-turned-Californian, attributed “biases” to all white people, warning of “unconscious biases that white people — that we as white people — have.”

Emmanuel Acho said whites living a “white” life become “part of the problem”:

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Editors Note. This article was written by Robert Kraychik and published at Breitbart. Title changed by Pulpit & Pen.