
Charismatic ‘Weather Warrior’ ‘Took Authority’ Over Hurricane Ian. It Didn’t Go Well

When our favorite pink-haired charismatic “prophetess” Kat Kerr isn’t revealing how to access the ‘body parts room’ in heaven, sharing how heaven smells like pumpkin pie and where cows drive around on tractors, claiming she has a picture of thousands of lioned-faced angels frog-marching chained demons across the sky in order to go to heaven for judgment, or talking about how heaven is filled with giant 20ft sasquatches, unicorns, 200ft high cryptids, she’s living out her calling as a “weather warrior” and “demanding that the storm subsides, with appalling results.

From her bunker in central Florida on September 28, 2022, before Hurricane Ian’s arrival, she released a video explaining that she was “taking authority” over the weather, which is the “right” of Christians to do. Declaring that we are “over the weather, not under it”, she reveals that “no storm has the right to bash or crush or harm anybody” because when God made the world, he set the bounds of the ocean, and the storm has no right to come up on the land.

As such, she commands the hosts of heaven to “get in that storm Ian and begin to shred the bands of the storm and cause it to dissipate” while also commanding the “pressure” to ease up because she and her fellow weather warriors are not “tolerating any death threats from hell or from the storm.”

She concludes by “tak(ing) authority over the winds” and demands that the winds do not increase in any way, nor the floodwaters rise, insisting that their prayers have created a wall on the east coast to prevent destruction and death.

Because all natural disasters are from God, as part of his sovereign plan and will, the hurricane raged on, and its death and destruction were enormous.

A few days later she was a bit more subdued. Still, last time she epically failed subduing a storm she was undeterred, and Kerr can still be seen on her Facebook wall commanding angels to shred and bash the storm while urging followers to consider donating to her ministry.

Charismatic Nonsense Church Evangelical Stuff Money Grubbing Heretics

Prophetess Kat Kerr Dispatches 1000 ‘Special Ops Angels’ in ‘Red, White & Blue Robes’ to Oversee Trump Victory

Prophetess Kat Kerr, general in the Lord’s angelic army, controller of weather, rebuker of hurricanes, and guaranteed to liven up prayer meetings everywhere, announced that 1000 special ops angels, adorned in red, white, and blue robes have been dispatched to earth to oversee Trump’s upcoming election victory: a reward for helping the President emerge victorious in 2016. 

Kerr, who is considered a “little extra” even by charismatic standards (but not by much) pointed out the anointing of the President while “prophesying” that he will win the election and that the whole thing is a done deal. It is this confidence perhaps that has her only commanding 1000 special ops angels, and not the 100 million she previously dispatched to oversee the Republican National Convention. She explains:

When he [Trump] speaks there is an anointing in his voice that brings healing hope. And you know what? We should have no fear. Remember the scriptures says ‘perfect love casts out all fear.’

So I don’t want anyone to be afraid of anything, and I can just tell you this from heaven: Trump is going to win. And no matter what the left and the liberals and the hate people and the fake news, no matter what they come together, even with some wicked people to plot the downfall of America, to make it a socialist country you don’t want that. If you’re too young to understand you don’t want it…

We in America are the land of the brave, the free, and the filled with God. And I can tell you that whole event was filled with the presence of God. And yes, there were 1,000 angels waiting. You know who these angels were? I could see them sitting all up in the…upper stands and everything, in the seats, and they were white—they just glow with the glory of God. But they actually were wearing red, white, and blue robes.

And the Holy Spirit said, ‘These angels are special ops angels that were sent from Heaven back in 2016 to fight on behalf of America, on our president, on his administration, God’s plans that he has for this country.’ And they were there to be sent out again right now. And we all did that…It was very powerful to see them. They shoot past us like beams of light, and they were very powerful beings. Very excited. Let me know, why were they there? God invited them, as a reward for what they’ve already done for America. To hear the words of those who stand in the gap, who will prophesy about what God wants done in America, who have powerful prayer warriors, all of them who were there.

We would ask Dr. Michael Brown to confirm this prophecy, but we’re still waiting for him to comment on the wolfish wager he made with cessationists that left him utterly bereft of credibility. If any other charismatics want to co-sign on all this, we’re all ears.