
Beth Moore’s Beliefs are Far More Dangerous than ‘Trumpism’

If you can picture a crazed woman, who having managed to scuttle atop a Chick-fil-A rooftop, is now alternating between throwing rocks down upon irritated patrons below and urinating on them as they pass by, all while the police watch, sit back, and stand down, then congrats, you’ve accurately surmised the state of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) when it comes to Beth Moore.

This spectacle was on full display when both the treacherous #BigEva elites and the “go-homer’s” of the faithful SBC remnant watched as the money-making darling of Lifeway trended on Twitter. This the result of launching a blistering invective against “Trumpism” and “Christian nationalism,” gaining national attention and amassing 22.1k retweets, 9.7k quote tweets, and 143.6k likes at the time of this writing, with the next two follow up posts getting 30k likes as well.

Her screed was jubilantly covered by a raft of prominent news organizations, both in and out of the Christian sphere, praising her for her takedown and some calling it a “watershed moment.” It was not. Rather, it was a factually and theologically inaccurate rift that demonstrates once again that Moore has no idea what she’s talking about.

Last year she said that nationlism was a sin (it’s not), and this year she’s labeling “Christian Nationalism” and ‘Trumpism” as the most seductive and dangerous things in the world for Christians to believe in.

Is it more dangerous than the prosperity gospel, the false gospel of health and wealth which has enslaved tens of millions of people, ruined untold lives, and will surely lead people to hell – all who believe it and the false assurances it brings?

Is it more dangerous than progressivism and liberalism creeping into the church? Where denominations like the PCUSA, ELCA, and sundry Anglican and Episcopalian groups that have abandoned biblical Christianity in wholesale fashion have come to celebrate same-sex marriage, abortion, and transgderedism as being holy and good things?

Is it more dangerous than Critical Race Theory and the accompanying nonsense of white privilege, intersectionality, microaggressions, social justice, standpoint theory, and a host of other race-baiting tactics that divide the church and have even lead to some churches having services segregated by race? In fact, you’ll recall that it’s on this basis that you said Christians shouldn’t preach or share the gospel at BLM protests and declared that “white supremacy” is running rampant in much of the church, sowing discord and mistrust among members.

Given the amount of press, plaudits, and praise “Auntie Beth” has received from this tweet, perhaps the most dangerous and seductive thing to believe is whatever made her into the divisive, leftist, “I can preach to men and women should be pastors” egalitarian who cloaks her radically progressive beliefs behind a “biblical” narrative, all the while being given free-reign to frolic throughout the SBC with her Lifeway book money backing her and taking potshots at biblical orthodoxy while engaging in other misadventures of theological treason.

We’ll go with that over “Trumpism” and “Christian Nationalism” any day.

Note: for a detailed expose of Beth Moore’s danger, check out Seth Dunn’s book So Long, Beth Moore: You’ve Been a Bad Friend to Us, which dives into Beth Moore’s false teaching and writing.