Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: 9Marx is the Worst Ministry Ever

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 11, 2020, JD handles a number of topics including 9Marx encouraging people to vote Democrat and claiming that Marxism is morally neutral, and JD explains what the 8th Commandment means. He also discusses the proper use of the law in relation to a PCA church claiming someone was guilty of “murder” for not wearing a mask to church. And, JD opines further on the “Deny, the Defend” strategy of leftists, using Ray Ortund as an example. And finally, JD talks about Joel Osteen’s “inspiration cube.”

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Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast: Trailer Park Jerry. Todd White’s Scary & James White’s Wary?

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 4, 2020, JD discusses PNP breaking the news of Jerry Falwell Jr.’s photos of his zipper down (literally) at a Trailer Park Boys themed party. Then he moves on to Todd White’s denial of repentance and gives a predictable “I told you so.” Then, JD asks if James White is responsible for Todd White’s “repentance strategy” and talks about a few other topics.

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The Polemics Report

Pastor JD Hall of Pulpit & Pen compares what people are saying about God to the Word of God. A podcast designed to train your ability to discern between right and almost right. Highlighting the “downgrade” of modern Christianity. Learn More Listen Now

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Liberty Pres. Jerry Falwell Jr. Justifies Scandalous Yacht Pictures ‘Whatever Whatever…It was all in Good Fun”

Liberty President Jerry Falwell gave an interview on Wednesday regarding his now-infamous “yacht photos” and “yacht video“, shrugging off any question of impropriety and defending the incident as a vacation “costume party” that was “just in good fun.”

The interview with the Morningline show, a local radio station in Lynchburg, Va. was a brief and bizarre affair. Falwell came across as barely incoherent and quite frankly, sounds like he’s drunk or on drugs.

We at Pulpit & Pen have heard Falwell give many interviews and he’s never sounded as bad and mentally checked out as he does here. Perhaps a medical condition is contributing to his seeming impairment, but it’s as rough as the transcript indicates.

You know it was weird cuz…cuz….she..was… she was pregnant..she couldn’t get her…she couldn’t get her pants up and….er…I was like…trying to like…my… I had on a pair of jeans I haven’t worn in a long time and I couldn’t get mine zipped either. And, uh…and so I just put my belly… I just put my belly out like hers, and…it was just…um…she’s my wife’s assistant, and she’s a sweetheart, and I should never have put up and embarrassed her because…um…anyway, I’ve…Ive apologized to everybody, and I promised my kids I’m going…try to be…I’m gonna try to be a good boy from here.

When asked about the Trailer Park Boys party- a themed event based on foul, raunchy, and crude 18+ TV show filled with cursing, sex, and sundry vile content that would get any of his Liberty University Students demerits and disciplinary action if caught watching it, Falwell was hypocritical and unrepentant, demonstrating his radical unfitness to be leading a Christian University.

Yeah yeah, whatever whatever, it was…it was the costume party on…on…and…and…we were on vacation and…anyway long story short…it was just…ah…it was just in good fun. That’s it.

Breaking Featured

Jerry Falwell Jr. “Likes” Instagram Photo of Half-Naked Model

Jerry Falwell Jr., President of the largest Christian University in the world and professing Christian minister, has been up to no good on his Instagram page, where it was discovered that he “liked” and gave the thumbs up to a nearly naked model in a seductive pose, leading many to wonder what sort of sexual deviancy he’s gotten himself into, and why isn’t he practicing what he preaches.

These shenanigans come just days after it was revealed that he and his family and friends engaged in a ‘Trailer Park Boys’ themed party, where Falwell features prominently with his arms around a strange woman, his and her pants unzipped and underwear showing.

Trailer Park Boys is a raunchy and crass Canadian mockumentary TV Show that aired 106 episodes across 12 seasons. The theatrical film for the show’s actors, Swearnet, set a world record for the most F-words in a feature film, totaling 935. The uncensored show has an 18+ rating in most countries and is known for the copious amounts of sex and, drug use, and cursing.

Watching it, much less having a party about it, is definitely a violation of Liberty’s policies. The exclusive video of the party though can be seen below.

[fvplayer id=”102″]

If that salacious behavior wasn’t bad enough and given cause to raise a few eyebrows, then surely even his most ardent defenders are left speechless at this next revelation of Falwellian sketchiness.

Falwell adds to his obscenities when we discovered that he clicked on the little heart button to “like” a photograph of model Stefanie Guzanski, posing in a seductive, half-naked state. Guzanski is a famous model who frequently uploads nude or nearly nude photographs of herself on social media, and there’s no telling how many others Falwell has ‘hearted” in appreciation.

Why is Falwell doing this? Does he not have better things to do, such as loving and honoring his wife, or being a man his children can look up to and respect?

Or how about this one? One of his students?

Is this the behavior of a supposed Christian and family man- of a husband and father who is the leader and face of a Christian University, or the actions of a scoundrel and a newly-revealed-to-be creeper, engaged in the lusts of the flesh and satisfying the desires of his wicked heart?

We suspect we know the answer.

Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Bizzare Jerry Falwell Jr. Yacht Pictures were from ‘Trailer Park Boys’ Themed Party

Update #1. In another act of Falwellian sketchiness, we found exclusive evidence of Jerry ‘Liking’ a picture of a half-naked supermodel on Instagram, further evidence that he’s pretty much abrogated all pretense of being a Christian witness and godly leader. That post can be found HERE

Pictures that emerged last night of Liberty University President Jerry Falwell Jr. in a state of undress, holding a wine glass and standing beside a young woman with pants unzipped, turned out to be images from a Trailer Park Boys themed party, and not of a more illicit nature that many questioned and suspected.

We wrote in the original article that Falwell uploaded and then deleted a series of photographs and images, which we’ve captured here.

[fvplayer id=”102″]

The video demonstrates that these are not photoshopped, but are the real deal. Particularly, this video below shows the cosplay is taking place among several of the Falwell extended family, all of whom have since taken their social media private.

Here is a gallery showing the comparisons between the three main characters from Trailer Park Boys. Bubbles, Ricky and Julian, and the Falwell friends and family.

Trailer Park Boys is a raunchy and crass Canadian mockumentary TV Show that aired 106 episodes across 12 seasons. The theatrical film for the shows actors, Swearnet, set a world record for the most F-words in a feature film, totaling 935. The uncensored show has an 18+ rating in most countries and is known for the copious amounts of sex and, drug use, and cursing. At least three episodes have plotlines involving making homemade pornography.

We can’t imagine a supposedly above-reproach, Christian leader of a Christian university thought this was a good idea, traipsing around with drink and cigarettes-in-hand and pants unbuttoned, in imitation of what by all accounts is a gross, expletive-laden tv show where many of the main characters spend nearly every episode drunk or high.

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Evangelical Stuff Featured News

Video! Liberty Pres. Jerry Falwell Jr Posts Bizzare Photo with ‘Family Friend’ on Yacht with Pants Unzipped

Update 1. We managed to get our hands on some since-deleted video. It turns out this was perhaps some sort of Trailer Park Boys cosplay/ themed party on the yacht. Video posted below.

Jerry Falwell Jr, President of Liberty University, the largest Christian University in the world, allegedly put out then deleted a series of pictures on Instagram showing him posing on a yacht with a woman who’s not his wife, with pants unzipped and drink in hand.

It’s as weird as it sounds.

In a post captioned “More vacation shots. Lots of good friends visited us on the yacht. I promise that’s only black water in my glass. It was a prop only.” it’s mind-boggling that Falwell felt he had to clarify what the contents in his beverage were, rather than the more obvious elephant in the room.

To say that this behavior is unbecoming and scandalous for a president of a Christian university is an understatement.

Trailer Park Boys is a raunchy and crass Canadian TV Show that aired 106 episodes across 12 seasons. The theatrical film for the show, Swearnet, set a world record for the most F-words in a feature film, totaling 935. The uncensored show has an 18+ rating in most countries and is known for the copious amounts of sex and, drug use, and cursing.

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Update 1. Deleted video below