
Megachurch Pastor Says Jesus Was Offered as ‘Burnt Offering’ and ‘Tithe’ on the Cross

Word of Faith and famed antinomian “hyper-grace” heretic Joseph Prince is claiming that all your money is cursed and unholy until you give a tithe to the, Lord and that Jesus himself was a tithe and burnt offering given on the cross, which then resulted in the salvation of the whole world.

Prince is the senior pastor of the 34,000-member New Creation Church based out of Singapore. Famously, the church spent $500,000,000 to purchase and renovate its church and another $300,000,000 to buy the mall the church was attached to. We last wrote about him after he rejected nomenclature like “poor as a church mouse,” arguing that poverty should not be associated with the church because Mickey Mouse is rich and prosperous.

Prince, who regularly tours the conference circuit with other big names in the prosperity preaching game, is the ringer money-grubbing pastors bring in to get their congregations to give more. A regular guest speaker at Hillsong church, Prince teaches that regular tithing will result in a prosperous life for you and your descendants, while encouraging his hearers to “confess you are rich because you’re already rich.” He frequestly says things like:

“You are destined to reign in life. You are called by the Lord to be a success, to enjoy wealth, to enjoy health, and to enjoy a life of victory. It is not the Lord’s desire that you live a life of defeat, poverty, and failure”

In an undated sermon while preaching on the tithe, he offers this bizzare interpretation:

We have been redeemed from the curse.  Now, YOU have been redeemed from the curse, the money that comes into your hand is not. Do you understand that? How do you make the money clean? The Bible says in New Testament,  New Testament,  Romans,  the apostle Paul by the Spirit says ‘If the first fruit is holy,  say holy.  If the first fruit is holy,  holy,  the rest is holy.  And what is holy,  the devil cannot touch.  Hey!  What is holy,  the devil cannot touch. Now,  your money is no more unrighteous.  It’s no more filthy lucre, it is now holy money.

...10% is a part of the whole.  For God,  the 10% is everything.  It’s part of the whole.  When the 10% is holy,  the rest is holy.  You understand?  Like it says in 1 Corinthians 15 that Christ is risen from the dead and become the first fruit…that’s the tithe of those who have fallen asleep.  

So Jesus is a tithe and money is cursed. Got it. He continues:

Each one in his own order, Christ the first fruits.  Afterwards,  those who are Christ’s at His coming.  So Christ is the tithe that first came up, right?  Once Christ came up first,  all of us are guaranteed to come out of the grave.  Guaranteed. Because why? The tithe has done it.  Whatever happens to the tithe, if the tithe is holy,  the rest is holy. If the tithe rose from the dead,  we all rise from the dead.  |

Last night, the Lord spoke to me and the Lord said,  ‘Son,  I set up the whole world like this. My son is the first fruit. I gave Jesus. He is the tithe.  And the world with, of course,  evil intentions took the tithe.  But unbeknown to them,  they did something that I wanted them to do.  They offered the tithe as a burnt offering on the cross.  And salvation came upon the whole world.’

I told you,  He is still talking to me.

For a longer commentary on this video breaking down why it’s so bad, see iThink Biblicaly’s video, who was also the h/t.


Pastor Warns Congregation That If They Withold Tithes, They Are ‘Perpetuating the Tyre Nichols Situations of Our Society’

James Gailliard is a Democrat Politician and the Senior Pastor of Word Tabernacle Church in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, a multi-campus megachurch once named in the top 100 fastest-growing churches in America. They had a conference recently, and Dr. Eric Mason of Woke Church was one of the speakers. 

In a recent sermon, following the beating killing of Tyre Nichols by five police officers, Gailliard manipulates his congregation. First, he teaches the heresy that the gospel is justification by faith and social justice. Then he claims if the congregants don’t tithe, they are ‘perpetuating the Tyre Nichols situations of our society.’

I did not personally watch the videos, because I needed to be able to preach to y’all without being an angry black man. And so I personally was not able to look at them. What I will tell you is that the answer has always been, and always will be, God using the African American church as an agent of moral and cultural change in our community. It has always been that, it will always be that.

And so and when I say the African American church, I’m not talking about a church of only black people. I’m talking about a church that understands that the gospel is justification by faith and social justice. And so whether those are black, brown or white people that embrace that, when we embrace that, and we give and recognize that we don’t live by bread alone, but by our giving, we provide a voice. We provide funding to the voice of change.

And so when we don’t give, particularly to African American churches, or churches that believe that the gospel is justification by faith and social justice, when I do not give to those environments, I am perpetuating the Tyre Nichols situations of our society.

So don’t be angry about it if you’re not gonna fund the voice of change. And that’s what giving is about. That is what is about. And so by your generosity, Kyle talked about scholarshipping people. By your generosity I’m able to stand on your behalf and speak truth to power because the people I got to speak to don’t keep our lights on, y’all do., and y’all provide us with that volume and that ability.

And so as we give today, I want you to be mindful of that. I want to thank you in advance for your generosity. And I want us to keep giving and giving generously.


Kenneth Copeland Says He Gave Away a Plane as a ‘Seed Offering’ and Got a Better Plane in Return

When he’s not claiming that COVID has been destroyed ,  throwing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casts away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own Bible college, arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland, 84, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America, can be frequently found on his show making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies, particularly when it comes to attaining that filthy mammon.

Speaking on Believers Voice of Victory, he teaches the existence of a “heavenly grant,” using John 16:23-24, to say that “my Father will grant you whatever you ask in my name.” He offers that because he sowed a seed of an airplane, he reaped an even better airplane, encouraging his listeners to do likewise and tithe to him in order to be granted wealth and riches.

“2019, 2020 broke all the financial records. 2021 broke all the financial records. And 2022 has taken off. We’re ahead of 2021, but we have heavenly grant and every member of the board signed it and we had our lawyer draw it, grow it up in legal language and everybody signed it and we pray it together.”

He explains:

I said, “Jerry (Savelle), the Lord just said to me in my spirit to give (Apostle) Joe Nay that 310.” Jerry said he thought, “Well how are we going to get home?” That’s not my problem right there then. So I called him. I said “Joey, you sitting down?” I said, “The Lord just told me to give you my Cessna 310 twin engine airplane.” Well, we came home, and I said, “Jerry, here’s what I’m gonna do…this is my seed. And I got quite a bit of time on those engines, so I’m going to put it in the shop here and get those engines overhauled.”

Jerry said, he thought “he gonna give it to the guy, let him overhaul the engine.” No, no. It must be a proper seed. And it was getting close to time for engine overhaul, so the ministry had both engines overhauled and we presented it ready to go.

Now what are we gonna do? Well, there was a woman that walked in, and there’s something had happened with some stock. And she just walked into our office and just brought a check in there for $250,000 .Okay?

And another friend of mine call me and he said “Kenneth-” Now he had a twin Cessna, but his was pressurized, glory to God. He called he said “Kenneth, the last time I was down there, it just seemed to me like I was flying your airplane brother.” But he said, “I owe a little money on it. But I’d like to just go ahead and give it to you.” I said, “Well, let it just be fine. Just help yourself.”

There was enough money in that other check to pay off the debt on that twin Cessna and it was pressurized. The heavenly grant worked. The heavenly grant was working all the time because Jerry Savelle and I set ourselves in agreement…. It had to do with the prayer of faith. It had to do with the heavenly grants.