
NIFB Pastor Steven Anderson’s Son Alleges Years Of Domestic Abuse + ‘My dad used the same electrical cord on her that he used on us’

Following our story of controversial NIFB pastor Steven Anderson’s son Isaac alleging years of violent abuse and beatings against them as children, including kicking and stomping on him, another of his sons, John, has come forward to corroborate the claims of vicious beatings, as well as allege years of domestic abuse towards his mother.

Anderson is the firebrand KJV-Onlyist from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ. He’s known for his rigorous Independent Fundamentalist Baptist theology, hatred of Calvinism, the infamous “pisseth on a wall” clip, and open glee at the thought of homosexuals being killed; at one point, he had the dubious distinction of being banned from 34 countries, including every English-speaking developed country.

You don’t get to say things like, “If I had a button right here on this pulpit, I could just push this button and every fag would just fall over dead. I would push it until it breaks,” without raising a few eyebrows.

In a wide-ranging interview with The Dead Domain, John Anderson, Steven’s second oldest son who has completely cut off from the family after reporting them to Child Protective Services, outlines life in the Anderson household, alleging further beatings, a hypocritical and violent mother, and instances of domestic abuse (the two former will be featured in an article tomorrow)

He begins by telling of having discovered his father would hit and whip his mother with a cord.

“I’m pretty sure all my siblings know about this, they weren’t very good at hiding it. My dad used the same electrical cord on her that he used on us. And it was like, they would be screaming, they would be fighting whatever. And then it’d be like, ‘kids go out in the backyard’ or ‘kids go to your room.’

And then you would hear the sound of BAM BAM beating sounds. My mom’s screaming. Um, there were times when I would see like the mark (because) the electrical cord, it would leave this “C-shaped” mark on you, like the tip. And it was scabbed up red and inflamed.

It was like, I don’t know, it was like a bruise, right? But then the ring where it was, was like this bloody mark in the shape of it, and I would see those on her. So it was very, very clear what was happening.

My parents kind of hid it from us. It was always like a thing like all of us knew about. And then finally, after like a year, I talked to my siblings, I talked to my brother, Isaac,… I was like, ‘dude, like, am I tripping, or is dad beating mom? ‘ He’s like, ‘no, like, yeah, I’ve known too. that’s what’s happening.'”

He continues:

“But I know there were a couple of outbursts where he would just like, bam, hit her in a fight…there were a couple instances that I know where he just like, hit her. It wasn’t like the scheduled, like, beatings, or it’s like a system (in the) same way it was with us.

So my mom decided that she was done with him. And she wanted to leave him and get sole custody of the kids. And she wanted to basically so she came out better on the divorce, because then she’d be single parenting 12 kids, she wanted to get him put away for domestic abuse so she could get the house while he’s off in prison.

…And I was like, ‘you were 10 times more abusive than dad ever was. So if you go press charges and I get called in as a witness, I’m not going to lie under oath and say he never did anything, but I’m also not going to sugar coat or hide anything you did as well.”


Steven Anderson’s Son Details Vicious Abuse and Beatings: ‘He just started kicking and stomping me into the floor. He said he was going to kill me’ + No Interracial Marriage Allowed

Controversial Arizona pastor Steven Anderson’s sons have begun speaking out again the firebrand KJV-Onlyist from Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, sharing what life was like growing up as his son while also alleging vicious instances of physical abuse and beatings.

Anderson, who is known for his rigorous Independent Fundamentalist Baptist theology, hatred of Calvinism, the infamous “pisseth on a wall clip,” and open glee at the thought of homosexuals being killed, at one point had the dubious distinction of being banned from 34 countries, including every English-speaking developed country.

You don’t get to say things like, “If I had a button right here on this pulpit, I could just push this button and every fag would just fall over dead. I would push it until it breaks,” without raising a few eyebrows.

Two years ago, Anderson’s videos were purged from many social media sites for violating their terms and conditions, with Anderson’s YouTube pages having uploaded nearly 7000 videos, which were watched by more than 135,000 subscribers, and resulting in over 100 million views.

In a wide-reaching interview with the Dead Domain, Anderson’s second oldest son Isaac, who we’ve written about after he came out as a self-professing, full-fledged Nazi, details life growing up under the notorious preacher.

I think they were a little too strict on certain things, like that the Bible doesn’t even talk about. Like for example, all the pants on women stuff. I think that’s a misappropriation…I understand if they’re okay with saying ‘women should wear skirts, men should wear pants’ but they shouldn’t say it’s a sin for women to wear pants. I disagree with that…

Commenting on his father’s propensity to label all things “gay,” Isaac insists he “disagrees with that crap:”

So I’m a straight married man. I’m not going to be told that if my shorts fall a couple inch above my knee I’m a homosexual for that. Like ‘oh wow I’m a homo now.’ Really? Or if I wear a pink tie or a pink shirt I’m now suddenly a queer for that? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. Or if you put any effort into your hair or appearance, like if you use lotion ‘oh yeah you’re a queer, you use lotion.

Isaac spends time excoriating many other NIFB preachers as a “bunch of fat mouth breathers” that “can’t even properly string together sentences,” as well as routinely writes off members of Faithful Word Baptist Church as “a bunch of weirdos.”

At the prompting of the host, he readily confirmed a report of his mom, Zsuzanna Anderson, saying that she “wouldn’t want any of her daughters marrying a black person:”

“Oh absolutely! That is absolutely true. Black, Mexican, they’re not marrying any of those, neither the sons either for that matter. That is abs– I didn’t see that on Reddit but that is absolutely true, at least when I went there. They didn’t say it quite so nicely, but yeah they said that.

..So my dad from the pulpit preaches he’s totally fine with interracial stuff, he doesn’t care doesn’t care, he just doesn’t want it for his kids… they may or may not deny saying that, but they said that both of them, on many occasions.

And it’s not that he has any dislike for black people, because the church is quite racially diverse. Tons of Mexicans, Asians, Black people, tons of diversity honestly. Like it’s a lot. It’s not like there’s just one token black family. There’s tons of Black church members, tons of Asians, a lot of Latinos, so we have all kinds of people in in the church.

I mean, even stuff in his personal life, it’s not even racist because he’s not saying black people are worse than white people or something, and he’s even pro-interracial marriage. He has nothing against it, he just doesn’t want his kids doing it because it’s his personal preference.”

A large portion of the interview centers around a chat log that caused controversy in the church that was never made widely public. This is a file that was shared with us years ago but which we chose not to cover at the time on account that it contained a hundred or so screenshots and private group chat logs involving several minor children from the church saying sexually explicit and racist things.

One of the children’s mothers discovered the chat, which was only a small portion of the total message because the logs were frequently deleted, and shared it with other parents, creating a storm.

Steven Anderson preached about the incident from the pulpit in a sermon that was never recorded. He condemned their actions and punished his children steeply, but he still lost dozens of members because of it. Isaac insists that they were just joking the entire time.

“Most of the bad screenshots are not our true beliefs whatsoever. We’re teenagers, we’re just joking around saying awful things. (Such as hiring hookers and beating them, as well as using the N-bomb, things he himself reveals in this interview) That’s what happens you put a bunch of teenage boys on a group chat…we didn’t actually mean any of the stuff we were saying.”

In harrowing detail, however, he alleges that his father attacked him and sought to beat him and possibily kill him for it, describing it this way:

My father’s not a very large man, he’s about 160 pounds… I was sitting at the kitchen counter on like a wooden bar stool basically, and when he heard about this I was sitting at the counter. He walked in through the front door, I didn’t hear him come in… he basically like ripped my chair backwards so to crash, like the chair shattered, it was like a WWE style entrance basically.

He made his entrance and just started kicking and stomping me into the floor. He said he was going to kill me at the time. He kept trying to provoke me to fight him because I think it was only me and him one was around.

In hindsight I believe he was trying to provoke me into… bloodying his nose so that he could, if he sent me to the hospital or kill me, he could claim self-defense.

So which obviously I do Jiu-Jitsu in kickboxing, I would break him in half if I ever fought him. I didn’t care though because, as I said, he’s not very big. Despite him stomping and kicking and trying to slam me into the tile and concrete floor, he couldn’t cut me, couldn’t do anything because he’s not that big or that strong.

I can bench press more than he could squat, so there wasn’t really much he could do to actually like seriously injure me or hurt me, but it wasn’t for lack of trying. He absolutely tried, he failed, but he absolutely tried to beat me senseless, absolutely.

Isaac then details an incident where his father allegedly smashed his brother’s death against a concrete window sill as another example of meted-out abuse and punishment.

“And his head was like smashed like a melon over it, and it split him to where you could see his exposed skull underneath the bone, like underneath the skin. It split him to the bone and he’s permanently scarred on the side of his head.”

Finally, when asked whether or not Isaac had an any memories of his father being “loving” and “supported,” he hesitates a bit, before finally answering:

I don’t know about loving and supportive. I mean we definitely had some fun times with him because when he’s not losing his s***… he could be a pretty chill guy to hang with, if he’s not angry and flipping out like. Because he’s a surprisingly normal guy when he’s not going apes***, he’s surprisingly normal. So um it’s hard to say I guess. He was probably, yeah, like we definitely have plenty of happy memories with him, but just woe to anyone who was in the house if he was angry basically.


IFB Pastor Steven Anderson’s Son is a Full-Fledged Nazi

Controversial Arizona pastor Steven Anderson, the noted firebrand from the 300-member Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, has an adult son who has gone astray- and we mean really, really astray.

Anderson, who is known for his rigorous Independent Fundamentalist Baptist theology, hatred of Calvinism, a famous clip about men pisseth-ing on walls, and open glee at the thought of homosexuals being frogmarched and killed in the streets, has twelve children, with his oldest being 22-year-old Isaac Anderson. 

We’ve known for a while that he’s been a troubled soul, but a recent article by the Friendly Atheist demonstrates how far he’s come in adopting racist beliefs and ideologies. Trolling the left with subversive posts is one thing; they believe everything is a racist dog whistle of some kind. But getting a Nazi eagle tattooed across one’s chest in a since-deleted post is something else altogether. 

The rest of his feed is no better:

And here lies the disconnect. While Isaac’s overall posture of hatred towards the people Nazis hate- blacks, homosexuals, and other races- could certainly be impacted by Steven’s views of homosexuals, it does not reflect Anderson’s views of race.

Anderson has people of all colors in his church. He has preached publicly against racism for years. One of his primary ministry partners is a Hispanic man, and being from Arizona, non-whites are constantly proselytized and invited to become members of his congregation. 

Eight years ago, he preached a sermon all about supporting and lauding interracial marriages. Three years ago, he preached a sermon titled ‘The Stupidity of Racism’ where he spent 120 minutes going hard in the paint against racism in all its forms. He spent time deconstructing evil racist ideologies and tropes, tearing down spurious arguments, and praising God’s designs for having people of all colors. 

What Isaac believes about racism isn’t what his father believes, but what’s indisputable is that he was raised and radicalized to have pure hatred and contempt for a group of individuals. That came from somewhere. Anderson repeatedly asserted that he taught his sons his particularily noxious breed of theology, and so we should not be surprised when it manifests.

While it’s true that sometimes great, loving parents can have awful, pagan children, sometimes it’s also true that if you sow the wind you reap the whirlwind.

Keep Isaac in your prayers, for the salvation of his soul.


Swat Team Respond En Masse to Pastor Steven Anderson’s Home after 911 Call

Controversial Arizona pastor Steven Anderson, the firebrand KJV-Onlyist from the 300-member Faithful Word Baptist Church in Tempe, AZ, was the victim of a dangerous prank call this past Monday after an anonymous caller phoned 911, claiming there were multiple dead bodies that he had shot and killed his wife.

Anderson, who is known for his rigorous Independent Fundamentalist Baptist theology, hatred of Calvinism, and open glee at the thought of homosexuals being killed, said law enforcement arrived on scene in overwhelming force, including helicopters over his home.

AZ Family reports:

(Wife) Zsuzsanna Anderson said it happened Monday afternoon while eight of her children were at the house and her husband was talking on a live podcast downstairs. Her kids were playing outside when they told her a helicopter was flying really close to their yard.

“I’m like, ‘yeah, no worries. I’m sure they’re looking for somebody,’” said Anderson. “Then the helicopter started saying something like surrender and come up with your hands up, and I’m like what? What is he talking about?”

She started recording the chopper but had no clue it was there for her family.

“An officer popped over the wall, and she’s like, ‘mam, I’m going to need you to go outside,” said Anderson. “I’m like, ‘you’re here for me?’ I’m like, ‘no, you have the wrong address.’” When Anderson got to the front of the house, she saw officers lining her street. “When I came to the door, I saw my 13-year-old walking out with her hands up, squad cars in a semi-circle around, doors open, officers there with riffles tried on her.”

She said officers patted her down, finding nothing, and later told her this all started when they got a welfare call for her house.

“The caller escalated and said, ‘oh, now he has a gun. This is Steven Anderson. He’s a pastor, and he’s just shot and killed his wife, and he’s saying he’s doing this in the name of God,’” said Anderson.

Swatting is extremely dangerous and is designed to terrorize its victims, with there being a not insignificant chance that someone could have died as a result. Given that Anderson is a lightning rod for controversy, he has no shortage of haters who may have called it in.

Anderson has the dubious distinction of being banned from 34 countries, including every English-speaking developed country. You don’t get to say things like “If I had a button right here on this pulpit, I could just push this button and every fag would just fall over dead. I would push it until it breaks,” without raising a few eyebrows.

Two years ago, Anderson’s videos were purged from many social media sites for violating their terms and conditions, with Anderson’s YouTube pages having uploaded nearly 7000 videos, which were watched by more than 135,000 subscribers, and resulting in over 100 million views.

Perhaps the most famous swatting incident occurred in Kansas. According to News Nation Now:

“A well-known victim of swatting was 28-year-old Andrew Finch who died in 2017 when he was fatally shot by law enforcement responding to a fake hostage threat in Wichita, Kansas….Finch, unaware his house was being raided by swat teams, answered the door to the swat teams and was shot by police.

….Tyler Rai Barriss…who was responsible for dozens of other swattings, pleaded guilty to 51 federal charges and was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

Featured podcast Polemics Report

Podcast! Cominterns and Garbage Humans (A Barn-Burner of an Episode)

On this episode of Polemics Report for August 18, 2020, JD examines the Grace Community Church saga and laments that JMAC said the court’s ruling “vindicates the church” right before the ruling was overturned. Does the court now impugn the church’s decision? Then, he goes on to discuss Ed Stetzer (the garbage human) and his attempt to get Christians to vote Democrat in November, moves on to some sincere questions about Steven Anderson and Kinism, and finally discusses Albert Mohler’s “all is well in Zion” podcast on women clergy in the SBC.

Podcast: Play in new window | Download (Duration: 58:26 — 80.2MB) | Embed

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