
‘Head-Shaking Prophetess’ Loses Tooth During Head-Shaking Prophecy

Stacey Campbell is described on her website as “a prophetic voice to this generation” who has a “passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values.” She founded the Canadian Prophetic Council, has helped launch “prophetic roundtables in several nations,” and “serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders,” which is presided over by NAR Queen Cindy Jacobs.

She’s also known as the ‘head-shaking prophetess’ after her habit of violently and vigorously shaking her head back and forth while she “prophecies”- a condition her son has called her on as only doing in front of crowds. 

Charismatics often claim that the thrashing and shaking of the head occurs when the Holy Spirit comes and fills someone up so profoundly that they lose control of their limbs and body – an extreme form of possession that strangely never seems to result in losing control of their bladder or bowels. 

During a recent message, New Day Church High Point, Campbell explains that she once prophesied and shook her head so hard that she lost a veneer, a sign she ultimately surmised was a sign from God. 


Arch-Heretic Benny Hinn Calls out Two Other Charismatics as False Prophets-‘They’re a Litte Weird’

Benny Hinn is an odd duck. To say he is a false teacher and false Christian is beyond dispute- he’s been a famed arch-heretic for decades and even though the world thought he had a “come-to-Jesus” moment a few years ago when he allegedly repented for preaching the prosperity gospel, within weeks he was right back at the same old message. He was soon after doing more of the same while giving a Masterclass on how to devour widow’s houses, which is ironic given that his ministry is pretty much broke.

Unlike other false teachers and men named Dr. Michael Brown, however, Hinn will occasionally call out other people within his camp, even if he doesn’t do it by name. Two years ago he called out Joel Osteen, saying that he wanted to punch him out for denying Christ on Larry King, and now he’s taken shots at Shawn ‘Failed Prophecies’ Bolz and Stacey ‘Head-shaking’ Campell, noting how false teachers are always “a little weird” and “unbalanced.” He explains from a July 15 2021 Facebook video tongue-in-cheek titled “Recognizing False Prophets Part 2”

Do you notice sometimes with some, not all, with some who operate in the prophetic? They’re, you, know a little weird. They’re just a little strange people. They’re not balanced people. They are very hyper. We were watching a lady a few days ago who was moving her head so much and she was prophesying, I’m wondering how can that let his head stay on? It was a weird demonstration of normality. You know Saul, King Saul prophesied and laid naked all night on the floor. Was that kind of norma? Of course not. It’s demonic.

He’s referring to Stacey Campbell. Her son previously called her out on it, saying that she makes it up the fact that when she “prophecies” she violently and vigorously shakes and bobs her head, revealing that she only behaves that way when she’s at church and in front of a crowd.

I adore Jesus beyond words, and I want to please him and I see this prophetic going on now and I’ve seen people harmed, friends of mine, friends of mine damaged. We just knew one man just a week ago, Chad and I were so hurt for that sweet man who’s a wonderful Christian. And I hear it all the time, all the time. My son-in-law Michael was telling about some guy that came to some big meeting and they found out later he was actually searching people’s material and names and information and acted like it was prophesying and it was not. And that guy prophesied from its own spirit– it says so in the bible.

What does it mean? It means they are not true prophets. They find out information like that guy who was searching people’s information and making it sound like he knew it all, giving details that were not, and are not biblical. He told a guy about a phone call he had, you remember, that same gentleman pointed at a section and said ‘there’s a guy named so-and-so over here and you were talking to so-and-so on the phone and you said so in a such-and-such thing’. And the whole crowd went ‘oh my god hallelujah’ and he was prophesying out of his own heart. It’s not in the word, it’s not in the bible, I’m sorry.”

This is a reference to Shawn Bolz, and the below featured video gives examples of him doing this.

While Hinn condemns these false prophets (though not by name) the fact is that this is contradistinction to his view of true prophets, which Hinn believes himself to be, and believes that many other Charismatic loons are likewise. Granted, calling them out is more than Dr. Michael Brown will do, as he’d probably rather renounce Christ than name names of anyone who’s not named Todd Bentley, but it also serves as a method to reinforce for his audience the claim that ‘they are bad and I am good.” when in reality Hinn is just as deceived as they are.

h/t to Brother John Elving and his excellent YouTube Channel.

Charismatic Nonsense Featured Heresies News

‘Shaking-Head Prophetess’ Son Calls Her Out On It

The son of a prominent Charismatic prophetess has called her out on her antics – the fact that when she “prophecies” she violently and vigorously shakes and bobs her head, revealing that she only behaves that way when she’s at church and in front of a crowd.

Stacey Campbell, the headbanging healer in question, is described on her website as “a prophetic voice to this generation” who has a “passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values.” She is the founder of the Canadian Prophetic Council, and “has helped launch prophetic roundtables in several nations. She serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders, presided over by Dr. Cindy Jacobs.”

Speaking on the Bible Beaters Podcast, a show where he and co-host Kyle Vestner rip and riff on Christianity with all the knowledge and alacrity of a pair of condescending 14-year-old atheists, Caleb Campbell describes calling his mom and telling her that a well-known YouTuber made a new meme video about her, and that they were going to talk about it, but promises her he won’t make fun of her too much.

After watching the video where his mom goes nuts, Kyle asked Caleb if his mom ever behaved this way around him.

No, that’s the thing! She never just drives the car and breaks into prophecy. Never happened once while she was making dinner. Only in front of thousands of people does this ever happen…In fact…I said, the thought struck me, that ‘you know, I’ve actually never seen her prophecy not at church.  Not once, has God ever come to talk to her…It’s a spiritual seizure. It’s so weird, dude.

In charismatic logic, they will often claim that the thrashing and shaking of the head occurs when the Holy Spirit comes and fills someone up so deeply that they lose control of their limbs and body – an extreme form of possession which strangely never seems to result in losing control of their bladder or bowels. Everything about that video would suggest she’s not filled with the Holy Spirit, but rather something or someone far more sinister.