‘Head-Shaking Prophetess’ Loses Tooth During Head-Shaking Prophecy

Stacey Campbell is described on her website as “a prophetic voice to this generation” who has a “passion to teach believers to know how to hear the voice of God through proper teaching and strong values.” She founded the Canadian Prophetic Council, has helped launch “prophetic roundtables in several nations,” and “serves as an honorary member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders,” which is presided over by NAR Queen Cindy Jacobs.
She’s also known as the ‘head-shaking prophetess’ after her habit of violently and vigorously shaking her head back and forth while she “prophecies”- a condition her son has called her on as only doing in front of crowds.
Charismatics often claim that the thrashing and shaking of the head occurs when the Holy Spirit comes and fills someone up so profoundly that they lose control of their limbs and body – an extreme form of possession that strangely never seems to result in losing control of their bladder or bowels.
During a recent message, New Day Church High Point, Campbell explains that she once prophesied and shook her head so hard that she lost a veneer, a sign she ultimately surmised was a sign from God.
These people exhibit Kundalini spirit manifestations like Todd Bentley and his girlfriend (wife?) as well as Jacobs and other infamous goat herders. Scary stuff.
Bet she didn’t see that coming.