
A Supercut of WokePreachers Shamelessly Politicking During the Midterm Elections And Georgia’s Runoff

In the midst of all this talk of Christian Nationalism and the furious condemnations of conservatives by progressives for talking about politics in the pulpit, we offer WokePreacherTV’s “supercut of preachers giving their takes on the outcome of the 2022 midterm elections, particularly the repeat defeat of “Star Trek” cameo actress Stacey Abrams, and shamelessly politicking for Raphael Warnock, an obviously heterodox Reverend Doctor.”

Warnock (D-GA) is a pro-choice, pro-LGBTQ senior ‘pastor’ of the thoroughly apostate Ebenezer Baptist Church (historically known for Martin Luther King Jr’s leadership) who denies the resurrection of Jesus and hates the bible and its authority. He’s been lauded as the next coming of Christ according to many churches, who have prophesied and exulted in his victory as a “man of God” despite in actuality being a two-fold son of hell.

h/t WokePreacherTV


Delete, Edit, Re-Upload: Prosperity Heretic Tries to Hide Video Praising Pro-Abortion Politician

Televangelist Creflo Dollar has taken down a video of a recent church service that features him praising the radical pro-choice Democrat Gubernatorial Stacey Abrams and urging his congregants to vote for her, telling them “do what you got to do.” Shortly after he took it down and then reuploaded the church stream, with that segment now conveniently cut out.

Dollar is one of the most infamous and successful prosperity preachers, joining such men as Benny Hinn and Kenneth Copeland as the trio of arch-heretics most responsible for exporting the false prosperity gospel throughout the world.

A televangelist and pastor of the 30,000-member World Changers Church International (WCCI) in Atlanta, he’s known for his wealth and extravagant lifestyle, owning several multi-million dollar homes, expensive luxury cars, being a proponent of “little gods’ theology, and making headlines back in 2015 when he asked followers and supporters to fund his purchase of a $65,000,000 private jet. 

During his October 30, 2022 service He told the crowd:

“I just want to say this because I want to see how it sounds. Governor Stacey Abrams just walked in. [Applause] So you already know what to do, right? How many of you have already done it? [Applause] Wow. It’s big time. Make it happen. Do what you got to do.”

Now, that video is gone but forever immortalized above. Creflo reuploaded a new video stream of the service, and all mentions of Abrams are gone.

But not from here.

h/t Woke Preacher TV


Patriarchy! Atlanta AME Pastor Says “Men Are Not Voting As We Should For Stacey Abrams”

(Woke Preacher TV) Rev. Dr. William D. Watley of Atlanta’s St. Phillip AME Church began his worship service Sunday, October 2, 2022 with open politicking for Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams and incumbent Democrat Senate candidate Raphael Warnock.

Watley invokes his authority as pastor to demand his congregants vote a particular way, and he invokes the men in the church’s position as heads of their households as the reason why they should declare their support for Abrams:

Would all men stand. All men stand. Thank you for your presence. And I must asking you to stand because, as has already been announced, voting matters and this is a very critical election.

And the stats so far are showing that we as men are not voting as we should for Stacey Abrams. We’re the head. And we’re for the head of our houses and our families. We cannot lead from behind.

On her worst day, her absolutely worst day, she’s ten times better than Brian Kemp. [Applause] And so I’m asking you, brethren, that wherever you go, wherever you touch, that you inform the rest of us that it is critical that we do our part and get a governor who we know will support us.

We have had to make a couple of calls, because present governor wanted to yank some of our vaccine from this church and DeKalb County, to send it to other parts in the state that were white and Republican. This governor has been a kiss-up to the demonic 45th president, even after he turned on him. He still was loyal to a demon who’s been openly hostile to all minorities. This governor is governor because he stole the last election. And she got back the right way, helped turn the state blue for both the presidential election and the senatorial election.

And so I’m asking all of us, that this is not the time to be chauvinistic and lazy. You’re going to be the man and be the head. We need to be the head and in charge, in terms of the leadership of our community, in terms of voting. And what I say to my brethren, I say to the sisters, but they’re the ones that’s been carrying it anyway.

But we need to do our part to make sure that Stacey Abrams is elected governor and Raphael Warnock is elected senator. [Applause] We do not need a lying scalawag who has already sold his soul to a white, anti-black establishment representing us in Washington, D.C.

And so, this is William Watley talking, and as your pastor, I ask that you listen to me. And many of you who are more astute than I am, and you know I’m telling the truth. God bless you and God keep you. Amen.

Editor’s Note. This is copied from WokePreacherTV’s YT channel, with permission.


Stacey Abrams Claims Fetal Heartbeats at 6 Weeks Are ‘Manufactured’+ Why Does Lecrae Fawn Over Her?

In a sign of absolute science denial and conspiracy theory, Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams claimed on Wednesday that “there is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks,” adding, “It is a manufactured sound designed to convince people that men have the right to take control of a woman’s body.”

Following the comments, Planned Parenthood, the apex predator of the baby killing world, updated their website to reflect Abram’s talking point with the Washington Examiner pointing out:

Planned Parenthood changed its website without any acknowledgment of modifications to say that under the five- to six-week mark of pregnancy, “a part of the embryo starts to show cardiac activity. It sounds like a heartbeat on an ultrasound, but it’s not a fully-formed heart — it’s the earliest stage of the heart developing.” The same webpage previously said that “a very basic beating heart and circulatory system develop,” per an archive of the page from July.

Republican Governor Brian Kemp currently has a 4 point lead over Abrams in the latest poll

Abrams has been previously lauded by several progressives, including recording artist Lecrae, for being a role model for little girls: something she absolutely is not. She’s responsible for the deaths of little girls. She’s Margaret Sanger in black-face. There is nothing commendable about Stacey Abrams that can outweigh her wicked and evil support of abortion.

A few years ago, Lecrae took time to pose for a photograph with the woman who wants to keep the wombs of American mothers a more dangerous environment than any slave ship to cross the Atlantic.

Posting to his Instagram account, Lecrae said:

Dear @staceyabrams, My daughter looks up to you and she’s 9. Not because she’s familiar with your stances and policies, but because you’re a highly educated woman of color who fights for what she believes in despite opposition. She sees that she can be more than what society says. Thank you.

Lecrae, known for LYING about his deconstruction, commends Abrams for fighting “for what she believes in” and apparently teaches his daughter that this is a commendable trait. This, of course, is sub-intellectual.

Jefferson Davis, the first (and only) president of the Confederate States of America, literally fought for what he believed in. Was it honorable? Adolf Hitler, who gassed 6 million Jews and countless others, literally fought for what he believed in. Was it honorable? Orval Faubus, as governor of Arkansas, challenged desegregation and the Little Rock Nine, and fought for what he believed in. Was it honorable?

Of course, people of reasonable intellect know that “fighting for what you believe in” is not a good thing if what you believe in is a bad thing. In the case of Stacey Abrams, this includes the mass-infanticide of unborn black Americans in disproportionate numbers. That’s hardly a good thing. Honestly, it seems as wicked as any Civil War general ever was. In fact, considering that there is no record of any Confederate Civil War general having advocated for the death of infants or for the eugenic extermination of the ethnic Africans, it’s safe to say that Stacey Abrams ‘fighting for what she believes in’ is significantly worse.

For Lecrae, it seems that the primary reason his daughter (supposedly) looks up to Abrams as a role model is because of the color of her skin and her education. There are, of course, countless highly educated black women who don’t promote political policies that accord with the devil, but the will stay unacknowledged by him.

Abrams is a wicked woman, and her wild-eyed attempts to deny biological reality, as most Democrats do, should hopefully see her swiftly punished at the polls.

abortion Church Featured News

Rapper Lecrae: ‘Pay us Money or We will Kill our Babies’

No one ever came up with the political idea of ‘people will kill their babies less if we take money from their neighbors and give it to them’ from reading their Bibles. @NateSchlomann

“Reformed” rapper Lecrae, far removed from his articulation of a biblical worldview and now firmly riding at the back of the #wokebus, has come out with a stellar strategy and justification for reducing abortions that boils down to a tricksy progressive scheme.

Those watching the trajectory of Lecrae “He went out from us” Moore knows that’s he has been in a bad way for years. He shows clear signs that any semblance of formerly professing Christian faith is nearly non-existent, from promoting and fawning over abortion-loving Democrat Stacey Abrams, to sputtering “You know…well…um…er….ah….I don’t know” when asked about the sin of homosexuality in an interview.

It’s no surprise then that a recent Tweet is particualrily illogical and egregious:

Translation: “Let us steal from you or we will kill our babies. P.S.: Vote Democrat.”

Lecrae’s bright idea to suggest extortion under threat of escalating the incidences of mushed-up baby skulls and cranking up the vacuum suction on that dilation and curettage machine is a bold one for sure. You almost want to ask if he knows how women get pregnant and where babies come from, given that none of his proposals are actually required to conceive and not kill a child.

For someone who paid for a woman to have an abortion back in 2002, you’d think he’d have a deeper appreciation for how morally monstrous that really is, this is, notwithstanding the fact that the “systemic racism” and “income gap” that’s caused so much poverty in the black community comes from leftists whose policies created fatherless homes and welfare dependence.

There’s so much stupid and outrageous about his liberal talking point, however, that we and others can easily play the same game. Rather than abolishing slavery:

“What if Christians in the Antebellum South who want to reduce the amount of slaves, supported funding education for slave owners to learn better agricultural practices to maximize cotton crops, dealt with the inherent dishonestly of traders who were capturing and selling free black men, and addressed the wage gap between rich and poor plantations that necessitated the need for slaves?”

Or Jon Harris with a few of his own:

We could go on and on.

Here’s another way to reduce abortion: don’t vote for the party that idolizes Planned Parenthood – the apex-predator of the baby-killing world, and don’t vote for the party that wants to paint the country red with the slurry of scrambled baby parts in the name of feminism and personal choice, vowing to do all they can to entrench and embed that right into law.

Start there, Lecrae, then we can talk.