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Pro-Life Speaker and ‘Christian’ Activist Shannon Dingle Comes Out Pro-Choice

Pro-life speaker and alleged “Christian” activist Shannon Dingle has publicly announced she has disavowed and repudiated her pro-lifeism, declaring she believes abortion is morally acceptable and is coming out as pro-choice.

Dingle, who appeared at the ERLC’s Evangelicals for Life conference in 2016, released an op-ed outlining that she now supports abortion rights and legislation to keep abortion legal, even detailing how she planned to have an abortion just last year.

The apostate, who is a “Christian” in the same way that Jenn Hatmaker is or Rachel Held Evans was a Christian, (progressive, pro-LGBTQ, left a SBC church to attend a United Methodist one) recounts that after her husband died in a freak accident in December 2019, she discovered she was pregnant.

Already moving away from her past beliefs before this occured, she decided that it would be too difficult to be a single mother to another child (she already has six) and suffering from depression and physical disabilities, she made plans to kill her baby, enlisting a friend to help her.

Before she could terminate her baby, the last child of her deceased husband, she miscarried. Consequently, she writes:

I’m not pro-life anymore, not in the political sense. I firmly believe that decisions regarding pregnancy should be between a patient and doctor, not predetermined impersonally by a mostly male governing body. My body shouldn’t be up for public debate…

The pro-life movement can make up all the caricatures they want about people who didn’t plan well, but I was happily married to a living husband when I got pregnant. If I could have planned for him not to die, I would have. 

Caricatures make for good propaganda but terrible policy. People, real people, become pregnant. And those people each carry their own stories, nuanced and unique.