
Prominent Woke Pastor Says Current Worship Songs Are Slave Owner/ Captor Songs + Laments Loss of ‘Black Sacred Music’

Charlie Dates is the prominent woke pastor of Progressive Baptist Church. A former/ present? ERLC and The Gospel Coalition contributor and definitely former SBC Executive Committee panel member, he recently left the Southern Baptist Convention on account of their failure to embrace Critical Race Theory. Notably, he attacked other Black Christians as sell-outs simply because they have not devoted their lives to fighting an artificial boogeyman, white supremacy” and well as “lambasted them for saying things like “I’m Christian before I’m Black.”

Our audience may know him from saying that the SBC “Don’t Need Black Faces with White Theology/Voices/Ideas Leading the Convention,” and calling Beth Moore “one of God’s leading women in the world.”

In a new post, he laments that “Black Sacred Music” is no longer being produced to capture the “black Christian experience in America” which is about the tone of their struggle against racism and white supremacy from the white man.

Bemoaning that white people in the majority culture have “appropriated it” he explains that Black Sacred Music is a “salvific instrument” and that if it is lost, Black Christians will have lost their witness in the world. Lastly, he says that the current crop of worship music is the same music of the slavers and captors, and that when Black folk sing it, rather than their own sacred black songs, they sound like the captors.

What a way to live.


Hillsong Christmas Features Shirtless Men Drumming to Worship Songs

Hillsong is getting beat up a bit, and rightfully so. They’re no stranger to controversy when it comes to their Christmas productions, most of which feature lascivious displays of writhing flesh and poor choices, resulting in Hillsong frequently deleting the videos so as to avoid criticism.

As a result, the famed megachurch has put on a lot of awful productions in their time. There was the insane one, the satanic Buddhist dance, the one depicting Jesus born in a riotous bar, (since deleted), Hillsong’s sensuality Christmas show with fleshly dancers, the Hillsong show with women writhing in nothing but towels, and their infamous ‘Silent Night Sleazy Night’ Christmas special from several years ago (also since deleted). Recently there was the immodest, irrelevant Tina Turner cover and then the new one with more displays of the flesh.

Let’s add one more to the list. This newest video comes from Hillsong London as part of their ‘Carols’ show and features two muscular, well-built black men drumming shirtless to Little Drummer Boy and Come all Ye Faithful while white woman belts out the song.

We don’t know why these two men had to be shirtless, considering that within a minute of playing, several other drummers enter the stage, all wearing shirts and pants. Later on other male dancers come on stage and they are also shirtless, only wearing a sash across their chests.

For Hillsong, apparently, the lack of clothing must be needed to make a statement, or in some way to be impactful and entertaining, as it happens so often. We have no idea why, but by now Hillsong Christmas Productions and ‘lack of skin coverage’ go hand-in-hand and have basically become a meme, which is an indictment not only on the churches, but the congregants who attend them.