
$95,000 Watch? $4850 Jacket? $1576 Shoes? Roundup of Swagged Out Pastors Wearing the Wealth

It’s been a while since we did a round of the inimitable Instagram pages Preachers N Sneakers and Prophets N Watches, showing the world how celebrity pastors tend to enjoy the finer things in life. One thing that should be obvious to anyone following this series is that the same people show up over and over, as can be seen in our achieves here:

$1,000 Shorts, $4,300 Nike’s. Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers
$162,995 Watch? $195 Socks? $690 Sandals? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers, Prophets N Watches
$1090 Sweater? $1990 Handbag? $2720 Coat? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers
$284,500 Watch? $2,900 Jacket? $2,500 Shoes? Round-Up of Celebrity Pastors Pricey Fashion
Pastor with a $329,000 Watch? $12,100 Jacket? $700 Pen? Round up of Prophets N Watches

The newest round include:

Robert Madu is the lead pastor of Social Dallas and the founder of Robert Madu Ministries wearing a pair of $1420 sneakers. He is the only first-timer on this list.

Long-time returnee TD Jakes, the Modalist rapscallion of the Potters House, wearing a $1750 Gucci watch, which is mid-range for him. He’s worn some in the $350-600 range, as well as one for $13,000 and another for $39,000, so this is on the lower side.

Mike Todd never fails to disappoint, being perhaps the most frequently showcased. Wearing a pair of $1576 Nike shoes.

Former Hillsong Global pastor Brian Houston rocking that $14,960 Rolex.

Mr. Maldonado is known for wearing the most expensive clothes by far. Usually the watches he wears cost north of $300,000 or $400,000, so to see him slumming it with a mere $95,000 one is quite frankly, beneath him. Throw on another $4850 jacket to really ‘Suede in the Spirit’, to quote one commenter.

Lasty, is Cash Luna. He’s a Guatemalan televangelist and faith healer with perhaps the biggest church in Latin America. Seen here wearing a $1529 Luis Vutton Hoodie.


$162,995 Watch? $195 Socks? $690 Sandals? Round-Up of Preachers N Sneakers, Prophets N Watches

Not a lot has been going on with these pages this past month, but there are a few pastors/evangelical superstars out there sporting some interesting items, courtesy of Preachers N Sneakers and Prophets N Watches.

Mike Todd of Transformation Church in Tulsa, OK with some $1990 Jordan shoes. You’ll recall last month he was wearing a $2720 jacket.

Gospel singer Kirk Franklin, who we last saw delivering a Vile, Profanity-Laced Diatribe Against his Son, wearing the $195 Gucci Socks and $690 sandals combination.

Pastor Ron Carpenter, who famously filed suit after being told he would receive $6.25 million dollars if he transitioned his Church to Pastor John Gray, wearing $850 Prada shoes.

Bethel Church’s Brian Johnson wearing that $10K Rolex

Last is money-grubbing heretic and prosperity preacher Guillermo Maldonado bringing up the rear, with a $162,995 Patek Watch.

You can see more pastors wearing pricey watches HERE.

abortion Featured Money Grubbing Heretics News Scandal

Transformation Church Spends $65,000 on 168 Pairs of Sneakers (And You’ll Never Believe Who Benefits)

The Oklahoma-based real estate investment group church religious service provider known as Transformation Church that has set a seemingly new standard for throwing money in so many directions, has set the bar even higher this December.

Long gone are the days of pastor Michael Todd being simply content to wear the latest and greatest $3,000 shoes, these collectible kicks that few others in his congregation would ever be able to sniff, let alone touch, outside of a furtive swipe of the hand while supporting their crowdsurfing man o’ God.

What do you do when you’re swimming in money, good looks and you’ve already bought $20 million worth of commercial real estate but aren’t quite ready to make the jump to plant a satellite market in the saturated market of the South?

You further the spirit of Black Lives Matter via mostly-empty and economically-indefensible PR stunts.

In the newly resurgent Greenwood District sits Silhouette Sneakers & Art, “a highly-curated retail experience that brings limited and authentic sneakers and streetwear to Tulsa”. That is to say, they sell highly-priced athletic shoes that cater to sneakerheads, examples of which include Air Jordans ranging in price from $165 to $1100 and Adidas from $290.

These are the kinds of shoes that people otherwise in poverty strain their bank accounts to wear, chest-thumpable status symbols for the street. 

In a move whose arithmetic sensibilities recalls the latest proposed federal stimulus package, Transformation Church just dropped $65,000 to clean out their highly-curated inventory and get some really sweet photos. How many pairs of shoes did they get for that sum? 168.

After all, why buy $50 pairs of shoes for 1300 children when you can spend $387 each to land 168 of them? It’s a small price to pay to build solidarity with our black friends and neighbors and help make sure that 168 “kids that are in an unfortunate situation” get overpriced footwear so they can look rich, imitate Pastor Mike with his awesome kicks, and set their eyes on things of this Earth, right?

Here’s the kicker. As it turns out, the owner of Silhouette Shoes is known to street evangelists in the Tulsa area for another reason.

Venita Cooper frequently serves as a deathscort at the Tulsa child sacrifice mill. In other words, Venita and her lesbian partner have repeatedly volunteered hours to don a rainbow-vest emblazoned with “CLINIC ESCORT” so as to rush abortive parents from their vehicles into the front door of the Tulsa Women’s Clinic and help drown out the preaching of the Gospel and offers of assistance from abolitionists and other sidewalk counselors.

Venita has played a very active role, of her own free volition, to volunteer in the murder of babies, a large percentage of whom were black, in Tulsa and to draw her lesbian partner further into the same dark practice. 

This is the owner of the business Transformation Church just paid almost $400 per pair to “support” and get a photo op with. Not that the Church or Crowdsurfing Sneakersporting Pastor Mike would know any of that necessarily – like 99% of the other churches in Tulsa, the only time a member or attendee ever shows up at the abortuary is as a paying customer.

We reached out to Transformation Church for comment, but no one has responded.

What’s next for the pile of cash burning a hole in Pastor Mike’s pocket? Buying and donating 600$ T-shirts? 2000$ diamond necklaces? With the way this church is going, we wouldn’t put it past them.

Editor’s note. This article was written by Alan Maricle for Protestia. Edited slightly for brevity.