Charismatic Nonsense Evangelical Stuff LGBTQQIP2SAA News

Todd Bentley Surfaces to Say All Recent Allegations Against Him are ‘Fake News’

The disgraced-in-all-but-charismatic-circles Todd Bentley, the only person Dr. Michael Brown said was a false teacher disqualified from ministry (but only temporarily, as he also said he was supernaturally gifted and could return one day), took to Facebook to defend against charges that he is disqualified from ministry owing to his history of allegations regarding marital infidelity, drunkness, coarse language, hitting on homosexuals, sexting, pornography, proffering his wife to other men, and a host of other spiritually seditious activities. [Editor’s note: Yeah, he is one sinful dude.]

You will recall a panel/tribunal of charismatic leaders were called to examine evidence and decide whether or not the allegations were true. Before long, Bentley bailed on it and ended his involvement in the process, calling it a “witch hunt.” This did not stop the tribunal from releasing the summary of the report, where they declared him guilty, but that they had hopes for his future due to his miraculous gifts. Charismatics and NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior from their leaders, and this case has sadly has proved to be no different.

Like water off a duck’s back, Bentley shrugged it off and shortly thereafter resumed the ministry, recently putting on healing conferences and rallies throughout his state, as well as continuing to host his own church service. Then, another accuser:

While Todd’s explanation written in a way that is barely coherent, what comes through is that he views it as all fake news (a coined term, popularized by President Trump, whom incidentally Bentley prophecied would win reelection):

All the other stuff you were listening to was the wrong source, because to this day nothing was verified or proven, and that’s why I’ve never been charged with any kind of crime – because it was fake news! Not everything appears as it seems. Time will prove that I’m not guilty of the things I’m accused of…it was just the opinion of a few people, my brother.

Bentley previously admitted that he has done some of these things, but claimed they all happened 6 or 7 years ago when he was put under secret church discipline and it was all dealt with. He has never said which allegations are true and which aren’t, however, and now appears to be denying them all outright.

Of course, the internet holds things forever.

Last year, Rod Radosti, founder of Church14 ministries and former frequent ministry partner of Todd Bentley, uploaded a video to his Facebook page of one of Todd’s victims speaking out and detailing the nature and the existence of their sordid relationship, explaining that they regularly engaged in sexting and the exchange of nude pictures.

What is damning is that when confronted about this woman and her story, explicitly stated to be in 2017, and which showed Todd being the victimizer and her being a victim, he did not dispute it but rather took exception to that characterization of it as abuse.

In the process of reiterating his insistence that they were consenting adults and that “we as adults sinned,” he acknowledges and corroborates the veracity of her story and put the lie to his claim that this all only happened back in 2014, or now, that it never happened at all.


Todd Bentley Is Back! Reveals New 25-Year Ministry Mandate After Being Visited By Angels

Charismatic “prophet” Todd Bentley, the only huckster in the whole of Christianity that Dr. Michael Brown has ever bothered to condemn (and that only slightly), is up to no good, revealing that he’s had a string of angelic encounters and personal visions from Jesus who told him that the time of waiting is done, and that he’s about to embark on a new 25-year ministry mandate.

We have written extensively about Todd, chronicling his malfeasance from lauded anointed revivalist and miracle worker, to drunkard, adulterer, liar, and sheep-fleecer extraordinaire, all the while being lifted up by a cadre of ne’er-do-well’s as a great, supernaturally gifted man of God.

Bentley, you will recall, went relatively radio silent last year after being newly accused of drug use, adultery, and sexting, some of which he admitted. A “New Apostolic Reformation” (NAR) tribunal report was launched and they found that Bentley was guilty – a pointless summation, as Bentley had already checked out and declared the whole thing a scam and witch hunt anyway.

Despite these findings, Bentley has been able to maintain a high level of ministry support, with the revelation of decades of grossly immoral behavior being viewed as “just a scratch” to his reputation. This should surprise no one, however, as charismatics and NAR adherents historically have enjoyed infinitesimally low levels of discernment when it comes to the sinful behavior of their leaders, and this case has sadly proved to be no different.

Now, he’s back.

In a 27 January 2021 Facebook post, Todd revealed his vision and plans for the year and beyond, which were in part precipitated by visiting angelic hosts.

He further explains:

[Jesus] spoke to me about picking up the mantle in a new 25-year mandate focused on the Harvest and the nations…I did pray and received what I believe the Lord spoke to me in faith and I’m ready to walk it out this year.

Todd reveals he is launching not only a new Podcast and new TV media ministry, but he’s going to get his show on the road, taking on a bunch of speaking engagements and putting on a series of revivals and crusades in the spring and summer.

And not just in America, but in other continents and nations where he has demonstrated an ability to draw tens of thousands of people eager and desperate for a morsel of the financially-focused, prosperity gospel he preaches.

I am also working on a new series of online training schools, and several revival harvest America, Africa, Europe and Asian mission soul-winning crusades.

The wolf cometh anew, apparently.

Pray for our brothers and sisters about to be ravaged. [Editor’s note: That is, ravaged by a false teacher, from a false ministry, to whom God did not speak, who dares still to speak in the name of God. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, anyone?]

Conspiracy Evangelical Stuff News

RZIM Responds to Ravi Zacharias ‘Illicit Online Relationship’ Scandal

In light of a recent Christian Post article going live about the new supporting evidence Julie Roys uncovered in the Ravi Zacharias sexting scandal, RZIM has released a new statement denying any and all wrong doing while also pledging to never release the woman involved, Lori Thompson, from her Non-Disclosure Agreement (DNA) .

The impetuous stem from emails, phone records, and first-hand testimony brought to light by Jerry and Denise Basel, two Christian counselors who counseled Thompson in 2016 while the incident was happening. Stepping in to help the couple deal with the fallout, they were the ones that were with Thompson when she sent an email to Zacharias telling him she was going to tell her husband about their alleged illicit affair, which prompted Zacharias to famously respond with threatening to commit suicide if she went through with it.

And while RZIM has not responded further to our queries regarding new allegations that have surfaced, including the revelation that Ravi Zacharias co-owned a spa that employed pseudoscientific Ayurveda services, yoga, and that Ravi’s former business partner accused him of sexually assaulting the staff- a claim co-signed by several women who worked there and were the object of his unwanted advances, we are hopeful with enough pressure they may yet.

In the new statement to The Christian Post, RZIM says:

“In April 2017, Ravi Zacharias received a letter from an attorney representing Bradley and Lori Anne Thompson of Ontario, Canada, presenting allegations and threatening litigation by the Thompsons against Mr. Zacharias. The letter threatened that litigation was forthcoming, or, ‘in the alternative of protracted and public litigation, the Thompsons will sign a release of you and your church and ministry in exchange for a certified check in the amount of $5 million dollars made payable to the Bryant Law Center, Lori Anne Thompson and Bradley Thompson within thirty days of today’s date and mailed to the above address.’

“In response to this demand letter, Ravi notified the board of the Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and personally filed a lawsuit under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act in August 2017. The Thompsons, through their attorneys, then requested to enter into mediation
to resolve the matter without going to trial. In November 2017, Ravi consented to resolve his lawsuit and the matter through mediation—a process that resulted in a resolution agreed to by both parties.

“In addition to these legal proceedings and the investigations underlying them, this matter was independently and rigorously investigated in 2018 at the initiative of the denomination that issued Ravi’s ministerial credentials, the Christian & Missionary Alliance. That investigation included multiple
interviews with the parties and a review of all available documents and records. The denomination concluded, ‘…the available evidence does not provide a basis for formal discipline…’

“As is widely known, Ravi Zacharias died May 19, 2020. Subsequently, some have called on his family and/or ministry to release the Thompsons from the confidentiality agreement they entered into with Ravi some two-and-a-half years prior to his death. Since RZIM was not a party to the agreement, it is unable to alter it, and his family does not feel it proper to alter it without Ravi’s knowledge or consent. Before he died, however, Ravi addressed allegations that he solicited inappropriate photos from Lori Anne Thompson or otherwise engaged in communications of a sexual nature with her in an 800-word public statement in December 2017. In that statement, he denied any sexually or romantically inappropriate conduct. He stood by that statement until his death. His denial is consistent with the character of the man we knew and worked alongside for years.

“Also since his death in May, allegations by Mrs. Thompson against Ravi have resurfaced in the public domain. This prompted calls for RZIM and/or the Zacharias family to conduct further investigation into this matter. In light of these developments, we, the Board of RZIM have reviewed the matter again and conclude the following:

1) Ravi Zacharias was never physically alone with Mrs. Thompson nor did he send her photos of himself.

2) There is no evidence that he solicited photos of her—an allegation Ravi vehemently denied in his public statement in December 2017. Furthermore, no evidence to the contrary has ever been presented.

3) Ravi addressed his communication with Mrs. Thompson in his December 2017 statement and we agree with him that it was wrong to have engaged in ongoing communication of a personal nature with a woman other than his wife.

4) We believe Ravi should have immediately disclosed the fact that Mrs. Thompson sent inappropriate photographs to him.

5) We have long had policies regarding physical safeguards to protect both our team members and leaders as well as those they come in contact with to prevent interactions that could ever prove harmful to either party. In 2018, we implemented electronic communication safeguards and policies for that purpose as well. We regret not having put the electronic communication safeguards in place sooner.

“We respect that there are those who disagree with us about this process and our current disposition. Finally, we reaffirm our commitment to the mission and work of RZIM—to reach and challenge those who shape the ideas of culture with the credibility of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”

Conspiracy Featured News

RZIM Reportedly Cutting 10% of Staff and Forcing Employees to sign NDA’s

RZIM is reportedly in the process of cutting 10% of its staff members and forcing all outgoing employees to sign Non-disclosure Agreements (NDA’s) designed to force the silence under the threat of punitive monetary damages and legal threats of any exiting employees.

The move from the company, which has nearly 50 employees and brings in $37,000,000 a year in donations, comes after the passing of ministry figurehead and leader Ravi Zacharias earlier in the year, as well amidst new allegations unearthed by Julie Roys of Ravi’s sexting scandal, (which we covered in 2018 here) and allegations from Ravi’s business partner that he was sexually harassing staff at some spas he owned a decade ago.

RZIM has up to this point denied the allegations but has not elaborated further. When we asked them about the latter allegations, they said in a statement that it was “virtually impossible” to investigate, even though with the accusers and victims being in the same city and willing to talk, it is imminently possible and quite easy- only a phone call or an uber away. Sadly, RZIM has shown a refusal to address any wrongdoing on the part of Zacharias, and as a result, bring reproach to the name of Christ.

Wishing to kneecap the ability of the staff to say any damaging information that may hurt the ministry, or which may reveal the presence of more victims, Protestia has learned that human resource protocols are being revamped to prevent existing and outgoing staff to comment publicly on any inner workings at RZIM or from addressing any information the may know about the brewing scandals. In these cases, ministries will frequently withhold severance due to the employees if they don’t sign or will entice them with large cash payouts if they do sign.

RZIM has infamously utilized NDA’s in the past, most recently when they continue to enforce one against Lori Anne Thompson, the woman at the center of the sexting scandal, who has repeatedly reached out to RZIM publicly and privately to beg them to release her, but to no avail.

While there may be some reason for businesses to have employees sign NDA’s, it is far less common in Christian circles, with NDAs frequently being used as a tool, with Geoff Robson rightly noting that they silence victims, protect perpetrators, and ‘eschew a gospel-shaped response to sin in favor of a secular response to sin‘.

We at are still in the process of investigating RZIM and these allegations, and will update accordingly.